Campus SaVE Minutes - 2/25/2020

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Campus SaVE Advisory Committee —
Feb. 25, 2020

Members Present

  • Co-Chair: Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean/ Student Affairs
  • Co-Chair: Amanda Summers, HR Director
  • Mike Spletter, Student Activities Director
  • K-leigh Villanueva, Counselor, Access Center
  • Rhonda Drew, Faculty
  • Christopher McClure, Student Affairs
  • Dr. Donnetta Suchon, VP Student Affairs
  • Amanda Stevenson, Benefits Specialist
  • Tymme Reyes-McAllister, Advisor
  • Howard Bushart, faculty
  • Dr. Jessica Thompson Falls, LSS Manager
  • Dr. Marissa Moreno, Director, Advising/Counseling Center

Minutes from October 17

Approved as Written.

Old Business

  • Employee Training – Amanda has received the information from THECB that needs to be shared with all employees in regards to the new state mandates. She is working with Safe Colleges to use that system to integrate the required information with the existing information within their system. She noted that this includes faculty working with dual credit, even if they are not being paid directly by the college since this group is working with our students.
  • Legislation Updates
    • Title IX information for first time transfer students – New state regulations require that specific Title IX information go out both first time in college students and first time transfer students for each semester. The first time in college students receive the information as part of the NSO which is required. For the first time transfer students, the information will be sent out through Safe Colleges which has been set up and will be going out to all first time transfer students. There will be a new reason code for the C03 holds (prevents enrollment) for those that do not complete the training before the beginning of the next registration period.
    • Trauma Informed Care Training for Security – We have the information ready and will be setting up training to all of our security personnel. The new state law requires certified peace officers to have this training. While our security are not certified peace officers, we are going to provide the training. K-leigh shared that she is working with them on similar information specifically for working with students on the spectrum.  In doing so, they are working with Houston PD and LaPorte PD who may have more information to share.
    • Confidential Employee Designations – As previously discussed, we have identified three individuals who will serve as confidential employees. The law is clear that all employees are mandatory reporters and these individuals will be included in publications to give students and staff an option to speak to someone in confidence.  The three identified individuals are Kassandra Flores, Rhonda Drew, and Tyrone Smith.  Their names have been added to information given out at the NSO, the Safe Colleges training for first time transfer, the website, and other areas. They will be documenting (without identifying information), how often they are contacted through a shared spreadsheet.  
  • Events (Fall 2019)
    • Rosemary reported that the Campus SaVE Advisory Committee with the support of the Bridge was represented at the Fall Festival. We had a display honoring those killed by intimate partners.  We also solicited the help of the art students with sidewalk chalk art in support of Domestic Violence Awareness Month.  
New Business
  • Changes in Title IX Processes – Amanda reported that we have been approved to utilize investigators in our Title IX process. The three investigators include Tymme McCallister, Dr. Marissa Moreno, and Zane Mosely. Rosemary and Amanda continue as the Title IX Co-Coordinators.  The investigators completed Level I training through ATIXA in January and will be attending the Level II training in March.  Rosemary and Amanda mentioned that we have the support of the president in moving forward with this new process and investing in the training for the team.
Upcoming Presentations / Events

There are several events and presentations for the fall semester

  • Healthy Relationships workshops – We have three more Healthy Relationships workshops scheduled for the spring semester.
  • Sexual Assault Awareness Month - A planning committee has met earlier this month and the activities for SAAM have been confirmed. We are always grateful to have The Bridge as partner with these events. A draft of the events was presented to the group which include:
  • Clothesline Project – We will have an opportunity to create T-shirts at the end of March in conjunction with Women’s History month. We also will have the display again in the Advising/Counseling Center.
  • Take Back the Night – scheduled for April 15 at 6 p.m.
  • Denim Day Booth / Activity – We will have an activity as part of Spring Fling and then another denim day booth on April 29 which is Denim Day.
  • Sidewalk Art Chalk – The art department has already committed to helping with this and we discussed having the art completed for Spring Fling (April 1)
  • Spike Lee Joint Improv – Spike Lee Joint (Dr. JTF!) will be performing on Wednesday, April 8 at 6 p.m. Rhonda will be able to bring her class over to the presentation.
  • Selfish Saturday – The Bridge will be hosting this event as part of SAAM to honor those survivors and to remind us all the importance of self care. It will be Saturday, April 4 at 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. at Burke Crenshaw Park in Pasadena.
Other / Announcements
  • K-leigh announced that the Students of Safety (SOS) group has started to meet and they have about 8 participants. This includes similar information as presented in the Healthy Relationships workshop. It is set up as a ongoing group session and geared toward students who are on the Autism spectrum

 Adjournment / Next Meeting

  • Our next meeting date is April 30 at 1 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dr. Rosemary Coffman
Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean
Student Affairs

Amanda Summers
Amanda Summers, Director,
Human Resources
