Campus SaVE Minutes - 11/16/2019

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Campus SaVE Advisory Committee —
Nov. 16, 2019

Members Present

  • Co-Chair: Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean/ Student Affairs
  • Co-Chair: Amanda Summers, HR Director
  • Howard Bushart, Chair, applied science
  • Zane Moseley, Student Activities Secretary
  • Rhonda Drew, LSSS instructor
  • Det. Iveleth Hernandez, Baytown Police Department
  • Mike Spletter, Student Activities Director
  • Jessica Thompson Falla, HSI
  • JR Velez, Security Captain
  • K-Leigh Villanueva, Disability Services Counselor
  • Amanda Stevenson, Benefits Specialist

Minutes from December 5

Approved as Written

Old Business

  • “You Are Not Alone” flyer distribution update – We continue to work on getting flyers out to the remaining restrooms.
  • MOU Baytown Police Department – Det. Hernandez reported that their legal advisor did not support the MOU stating that the Baytown Police Department already does everything that is stated in the document. She will continue to serve on the Campus SaVE committee to act as a liaison for our group.
    • As part of the discussion, Det. Hernandez reviewed the standard set of procedures in response to sexual assaults that occur in Baytown. This includes an officer taking the report and transporting the individual to the hospital (if appropriate), to do a sexual assault kit which is locked up in evidence. The case is assigned to a detective and the person is referred to the Special Victims Unit. This person provides support and resources.
  • Website review – no report. We will continue to review the website.  Rosemary suggested that she and Amanda may have more information after the Atixa training.
  • Employee Training – At our last meeting, there was discussion for a need for more training for employees. Amanda stated that there has been some but we can provide more.  In the past, we have done sessions as part of professional development day for Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) and the Lunch and Learn sessions. She asked the group give her feed back on both the content and how to best deliver the content.   Suggestions today included the following:
    • Jessica liked the recent training with the Peer Mentors which reviewed how to make a report through Maxient and how that report is made into a case. It was suggested this would be good for faculty and other groups that may do reporting.
    • We can look at different groups such as Student Affairs on Thursday morning, faculty assembly, and division meetings.
    • There was a discussion on the concept of comfort in reporting. Some may feel apprehension about letting people know their experience.  How can we report and, if appropriate, let the student know that they are being supported.   Employees may feel that they are involved only because of the legal mandates to report. 
  • Proposed changes to Title IX Rules – Rosemary provided information from TAASA which includes basic information on the proposed changes to Title IX rules. There was also information on best practices in making those comments.  Open comment period will continue through January 28.
New Business / Presentations / Activities
  • The Mental Health First Aid Training is scheduled for February 21 and 22. Right now, we have about 25 people registered.  
  • The schedule for the Healthy Relationships workshops have been finalized for the spring semester. Copies of the flyer was available to the committee.  We also sent out an all user email to faculty, staff and students. 
  • Other spring activities will include:
    • The Health Fair will be March 26. Rosemary will check with the Bridge to see if they will have a booth and committee members will be encouraged to help.
    • Spring Fling is March 27
    • Sexual Assault Awareness Month is April. Zane suggested that we start early on setting dates since there are other April activities.
    • As part of Women’s History Month (March), it was suggested that we hot a table for the March 6 event. The Bridge will also be part of a panel that night.
Announcements / Other / Next Meeting
    • Rosemary and Amanda will be attending the Title IX atIXa certification course in Orlando next week.      
    • February is Black History month. Jessica is involved in the planning and discussed some of the events.
    • Rosemary shared the video, which is a remake of the Gillette commercial of Be the Best a Man can Be.

Next Meeting – Our next meeting will be Thursday, February 28 / 1:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dr. Rosemary Coffman
Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean
Student Affairs

Amanda Summers
Amanda Summers, Director,
Human Resources
