Campus SaVE Minutes - 10/4/2017

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Campus SaVE Advisory Committee
October 4, 2017

Members Present:

Co-Chair: Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean/ Student Affairs
Co-Chair: Amanda Summers, HR Director
Amanda Stevenson, Benefits Specialist
K-Leigh Villanueva, Disability Services Counselor
Tyrone Smith, Academic Advisor
Amber Tempel, The Bridge
JR Velez, Security Captain
Howard Bushart, Chair, applied science
Cynthia Hill, Student
Jessica Bellant, Education & Prevention Manager, The Bridge
Mike Spletter, Student Activities Director
Dr. Laura Lane-Worley, Academic Faculty
Brian Kelly, Student
Katrina Campbell, Student


Christopher McClure, Student Affairs Division Secretary
Zane Moseley, Student Activities Secretary
Susan Smedley, Public Relations Director
Rosetta Mouer, Payroll Specialist
Dr. Donnetta Suchon, VP Student Affairs
Jessica Thompson Falla, Advisor
Marti Covington, Marketing and Public Affairs

Minutes from April 25th – Not available

I. Old Business
Clery Act Training (Margolis Healy, Corpus Christi) – In May, Rosemary, Amanda Summers, Captain Velez, and Dr. Suchon attended a 2 day training on the Clery Act. A copy of the participant handout was made available to the committee members as a reference. Much of the information presented involved defining Clery Crimes, Clery geography, and identifying and training Campus Security Authorities.

Rights and Options Document – Last spring, the committee reviewed a draft of the Rights and Options document in a new booklet format was presented. A requirement of Campus SaVE, a final copy was shared with the group. Copies will be kept in Rosemary and Amanda Summer’s office and will be available to anyone who has a sexual misconduct allegation.
A question was raised on if we have a similar document to give to students for basic information—one with reporting options. One was created for the faculty and staff. Rosemary will get a copy and report to the committee on its availability and to see if it needs to be updated.
Maxient – Rosemary reported that the funding for Maxient has been approved. We hope to make the transition from Convercent to Maxient in the spring. Maxient is an online reporting tool that will be used with the Behavioral Interpenetration Team, Sexual Misconduct and Conduct.

II. New Business

Training / Support There were several items discussed related to ongoing training and support around Clery/Campus SaVE

  • Amanda reported that she is still working on getting some funds in her budget to pay for training and materials for Campus SaVE/ Title IX activities. Membership with ATIXA is pending, but will provide resources.
  • We have renewed our membership with Clery Collaborative (, which provides resources on the Clery Act (training videos and webinars). This membership was set up in the summer and all committee members should have access to the member portal. Rosemary will send out another email with the information and add the new members for access.
  • The Webinar “Common Challenges in Clery Compliance” was attended by four members of the committee. More webinars will be available in the future.
  • The College has changed vendors on providing mandatory training on sexual harassment and Campus SaVE. Safe Colleges is an online program with a variety of training modules and includes modules for students. Rosemary and Amanda will continue working on identifying and training those individuals who are Campus Security Authorities. We have purchased Safe Colleges that can be used to train Campus Security Authorities. Rosemary will work with those interested in accessing the modules in a classroom setting for students.Committee Membership – With a new academic year, we need to look at membership for this committee and see if we have good representation. We welcomed two new student members, Brian Kelly and Katrina Campbell. Rosemary will check with Baytown Police Department to see if we can get someone to serve. We also would like to work with BPD in an MOU regarding investigations on campus.

III. Outreach

  • Healthy Relationships Presentations – The Bridge is hosting five sessions of the Healthy Relationship presentation to the campus. In addition, a session was held for the volleyball team and one will be set up for the basketball team.
  • October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month – Rosemary is working with Amber on activities. Amanda will send out reminders to faculty and staff.
    • Go Purple Day – October 19
    • Domestic Violence 101 Presentation – October 18
    • Healthy Relationships Presentation – October 19
    • Table event – October 25
    • Millennial Walk Against Domestic Violence – October 28th / A Bridge event. We hope to have good Lee College participation.
  • Table Cover – we are still planning to order a table cover to be used for events on campus.
  • Marketing Goals – For our next meeting, we will brainstorm some ideas for how to continue to market information out to staff and students.IV. Other Announcements / Open Discussion
  • The Bridge provided training for our athletes during their fall orientation. NJCAA is now requiring Title IX training.
  • In September, Secretary DeVos rescinded the Campus SaVE changes as put forth by the previous administration. For now, there will be no changes to our policy. If there is information on public comment, it will be shared with the committee. Amber shared the website Know Your IX ( which is a good source for more information.
  • Next Meeting – Our next meeting will be November 1 at 2:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dr. Rosemary Coffman
Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean
Student Affairs

Amanda Summers
Amanda Summers, Director,
Human Resources
