Campus SaVE Minutes - 1/25/2018

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Campus SaVE Advisory Committee –
Jan. 25, 2018

Members Present:

Co-Chair: Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean, Student Affairs
Amanda Stevenson, Benefits Specialist
Tyrone Smith, Academic Advisor
Amber Tempel, The Bridge
Howard Bushart, Chair, applied science
JR Velez, Security Captain
Mike Spletter, Student Activities Director
Dr. Laura Lane-Worley, Academic Faculty
Erika Castillo, Student
Jessica Thompson Falla, Advisor
Brian Kelly, Student
Susan Smedley, Public Relations Director
K-Leigh Villanueva, Disability Services Counselor
Det. Iveleth Hernandez, Baytown Police Department
Marylou Ortuvia, Counselor, Process Technology
Alicia Garcia, Student
Keila Guevara, Student


Co-Chair: Amanda Summers, HR Director
Cynthia Hill, Student
Jessica Bellant, The Bridge
Christopher McClure, Student Affairs Division Secretary
Zane Moseley, Student Activities Secretary
Rosetta Mouer, Payroll Specialist
Dr. Donnetta Suchon, VP Student Affairs
Katrina Campbell, Student
Keith Coleman, Athletic Director

Minutes from November 1, 2017 – Approved as Written

I. Old Business

MOU Baytown Police Department – Det. Hernandez has agreed to serve on the Campus SaVE Advisory Committee. We will work with her in establishing a more formal agreement between the Baytown Police Department and Lee College.

CSA / Notification and Training – An email went out to all Campus Security Authorities to inform them of their responsibilities. Information has been added to the website. The first training was on January 11 with 21 individuals in attendance. An additional training will be offered later in the spring semester.

Lunch and Learn – As part of the professional development day activities, Amanda and Rosemary hosted a table at the Lunch and Learn session. Faculty participants rotated through several topics with 15-minute presentations. It was an efficient way to get information to faculty.

Title IX Training – In addition to the training to the athletes prior to the beginning of the fall semester, an additional training was done with the drama students on October 24. Another session is scheduled for cosmetology students on January 29. We would like to have additional workshops developed for bystander intervention, consent, and how to report. It was suggested that these sessions be offered to the LSSS and EDUC classes. Students agreed that the best way to reach the students was to go into the classroom.

Safe Colleges- As required by law, the College has asked all employees to complete the sexual misconduct online training offered through Safe Colleges. As of this date, about 90% of the employees have completed the training. Those that have not completed the training are being contacted through their supervisors.

Collaboration with TAASA – Lee College and The Bridge continue to work with the collaboration with TAASA in the establishment of culturally sensitive training for bystander education. The group met in December. Other participants include Our Lady of the Lake University, Texas State, and an advocacy organization in San Antonio.

Marketing Goals – We had a continuing discussion on marketing goals of the Campus SaVE initiative.

  • Blackboard – Laura and K-Leigh will work with Paula Lee in creating a shell for students to have access to information on sexual misconduct, prevention, and reporting.
  • To better reach faculty, we discussed having a presentation to the faculty assembly. This could be a student who reads a statement from a survivor with a chance for faculty to ask questions. While ideally, this would be a short 10-minute presentation, this may not be enough time. The purpose of the information would be to inform faculty on the type of issues that may come up and their liability or responsibility to respond. Another suggestion was to have a faculty member talk about his or her own experience in working with a sexual misconduct situation. The next available time to get this accomplished would be for the March meeting. Jim Dobberstine is the current faculty assembly president.
  • If we had a standard presentation, we would also present to faculty at division meetings. This would be coordinated through the deans.
  • We will continue to work with the New Student Orientation sessions, making sure we are providing input for any changes that is recommended for the summer sessions for fall first time in college students.
  • We would like to continue to use social media and the plasma screens for messaging. Chris Coats and Nicolle Lossie would be the contact people. For social media, we can forward graphics from other sites to be shared on the Lee College page.

II. New Business

Committee Membership – In addition to Det. Hernandez, several new members were welcomed at today’s meeting. Marylou Ortuvia is the counselor in process technology and is currently working towards her master’s degree in social work; Alicia Garcia and Keila Guevara are two students that will be attending. Rhonda Drew is a faculty member teaching LSSS and dual credit. She was unable to attend today, but is excited to be a part of our group.

III. Outreach Activities

Table Cover – We still need to decide on the graphics and tag line for a table cover for activities on campus. We discussed needing a more positive statement. Instead of “eliminating sexual violence”, we want a positive message.

Spring Activities

  • February – Valentine’s Day. We would like to send out emails to promote the four pillars of a healthy relationship (Communication, Boundaries, Self-Esteem, and Equality). An email will be sent out at the first of the month and each of the four pillars will be featured ono the first day of the week for four weeks. Amber will help with the content to go out. We will also host a booth on Valentine’s Day as part of the Student Activities event. The following members are available for the event: Howard Bushart, K-Leigh Villanueva, Tyrone Smith, Laura Lane-Worley, Keila Guevara, and Alicia Garcia.
  • Spring Fling – March 7 – We will host a table with the Bridge and use ‘the wheel’ to draw people to the booth. Volunteers will be need
  • April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. A Subcommittee will be formed for planning. We will work with the Bridge to sponsor another “Take Back the Night” event.
  • Healthy Relationships Workshops – these workshops have been scheduled and information has been sent out to faculty and students.
  • The Bridge will again offer Phase 1 prevention groups. For the spring, 15 students in the social work class will participate and we are looking to create another group with the education students. Last semester, we had 19 individuals completing Phase 1. Three have confirmed that they will continue with Phase 2.

IV. Other Announcements / Open Discussion

  • The Mental Health First Aid training will be February 8-9. Several committee members are attending.
  • Amanda Summers attended the first Title IX Task Force meeting on January 24 at HCC. Led by Thecia Jenkins, several area colleges and other groups attended to look at best practices in terms of Campus SaVE and prevention training. Thecia Jenkins shared a resource guide with the group and copies were available to the committee members. Rosemary will also send out the document electronically. The group hopes that by educating our campus communities, information will get back to families and the community.

Next Meeting – Our next meeting will be March 6 at 3:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dr. Rosemary Coffman
Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean
Student Affairs

Amanda Summers
Amanda Summers, Director,
Human Resources
