Campus SaVE Minutes - 4-13-2016

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Campus SaVE Advisory Committee
April 13, 2016 / Minutes

Members Present:
Co-Chair: Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean, Student Affairs
Co-Chair, Amanda Summers, Human Resources Director
Howard Bushart, Faculty (applied science)
JR Velez, Security Captain
Jessica Bellant, Education & Prevention Manager, The Bridge
Amanda Stevenson, Benefits Specialist
Mike Spletter, Student Activities Director
Zane Moseley, Student Activities
Marti Covington, Marketing and Public Affairs
Leigh Garcia, Math/Science Division Secretary
Dr. Laura Lane-Worley, Faculty (academic)
Susan Smedley, Marketing and Public Affairs Director
Rosetta Mouer, Payroll Specialist (staff representative)
K-Leigh Villanueva, Disability Services Counselor
Micah Craft, Student (Phoenix: Women Rising)

Ruth Francis, Student (Phoenix: Women Rising)
Jessica Thompson Falla, Advisor
Dr. Donnetta Suchon, VP Student Affairs
Quintten Hawkins, Student (REAL organization)
Olivia Rivers, Advocacy and Education Director, The Bridge

Review of Minutes from March 23

Approved as written.

Policies and Procedures

A copy of the procedures which were approved by the Cabinet in March. A copy can be found online at

This document took the existing sexual harassment policies and procedures and was expanded to include the mandated information for Campus SaVE and the VAWA regulations. The first four sections (Sections I-III) includes information that is required by the regulations including definitions and information on the regulations. Sections IV and V give details on reporting and investigating sexual misconduct for both employees and students.

As part of the investigation, the procedures call for a subcommittee of faculty and staff who will receive training as required by the regulations. This would include 3 faculty members and 3 non-instructional staff. A student will be on the subcommittee, but will not be involved with the investigation. Once a report is made to the college, an investigator will be assigned from this subcommittee and report back to the president (in the case of an employee) or the VP of Student Affairs (if students are involved). An appeals process is available in which the evidence is presented to a three member panel (also chosen from the subcommittee).

The question to “timely” was discussed. The regulations are clear that this should be done in a timely manner, but the exact time frame (e.g., within 30 days) is not mandated. The policy will be reviewed to make sure this issue is addressed. We also discussed the fact that the College serves underage students with dual credit and the Early College High School. With those under the age of consent (age 17), it is a requirement to report incidences as child abuse.

Those interested in serving on the subcommittee was given a chance to sign up. Nine of the committee members signed up. The goal is to have training completed before the fall semester.

Update on Online Reporting Software

The information for purchasing the online reporting software has been passed on to the president’s office who will have the funds to purchase prior to the next budget cycle. It was received positively, but we have not received the final approval.

Sexual Assault Awareness Month

The campus has received information via brochures and emails on the activities for the month. Specifically, the week of April 18th will have several events in recognition of Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

The activities for the week include:

  • Clothesline Project:From the Bridge Over Troubled Waters / Monday – Thursday (April 18 – 21) Student Center
  • Workshop – Bystander Education– Tuesday, April 19 / 2:00 p.m. / Edythe Old Studio – presented by Jessica Bellant (The Bridge) and the REAL Organization
  • Viewing of the Documentary the Hunting Ground and T-Shirt project – Wednesday, April 20, 2:00 p.m. – Bayer Conference Center / The Bridge with Phoenix Women Rising – After the documentary participants will be given a chance to create and display their own t-shirts.
  • Workshop –Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault – Presented by The Bridge – Thursday, April 21, 2:30 p.m. / Edythe Old Studio
  • Spike Lee Joint Improv Group – Wednesday, April 20 / Tucker Hall / 6 p.m.

Video Project

A subgroup of committee members met after our last meeting in March. They discussed the different topics that they wanted to include. They would like to interview students with “themed questions” on campus and may include some interviews from students attending the activities next week. The R.E.A.L. Organization and OHANA would be involved. The goal is to produce some short videos that can be put together for a longer video. The next step would be to meet with Chris Coats to discuss details of the project.


There were several ideas on how to brand the initiative on campus. The following represents those brought to the committee:

  • Voices Against Violence
  • Voices United Against Violence
  • Change is Possible: Eliminating Sexual Violence
  • Embracing Each Heart to End Sexual Violence
  • Calling for Change: Together We Can Prevent Sexual Violence
  • Virtue + Ambition = Social Transition: Inspire a Movement
  • SAFE Light (Sexual Abuse Free Environment)
  • kNOw More

The discussion focused on the “kNOw More” campaign. It was found on the Florida State University website, but also was associated with other campaigns outside of sexual abuse awareness. Susan feels that it is used globally across many different areas and therefore there is no need for permission. She suggested that it could take the first year to establish the brand. The committee agreed to move forward with “kNOw More.” Other ideas that the committee liked were “Voices Against Violence” and “Inspire a Movement” which can be used along with the “kNOw More.”

There was a discussion on how to use student input for the campaign. While the Marketing and Public Affairs Office will take the lead on the graphic, students can be involved with other content associated with the campaign and how they would like to see the information presented to students. There was also the comment that we need to keep the different types of students in mind, including night students.

The next step would be to submit a request form to Marketing and Public Affairs to create the basic design using LC branding standards. Susan will work with Lorrent on this.

Next Meeting

Our next meeting is scheduled for May 4th at 3:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dr. Rosemary Coffman
Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean/ Student Affairs

Amanda Summers
Amanda Summers, Director, Human Resources
