Campus SaVE Minutes - 4/26/2018

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Campus SaVE Advisory Committee —
April 26, 2018

Members Present:

Co-Chair: Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean, Student Affairs
Co-Chair: Amanda Summers, HR Director
Amanda Stevenson, Benefits Specialist
Cynthia Hill, Student
Amber Tempel, The Bridge
Howard Bushart, Chair, applied science
JR Velez, Security Captain
Mike Spletter, Student Activities Director
Dr. Laura Lane-Worley, Academic Faculty
Erika Castillo, Student
Jessica Thompson Falla, Advisor
K-Leigh Villanueva, Disability Services Counselor
Det. Iveleth Hernandez, Baytown Police Department
Tyrone Smith, Academic Advisor
Jessica Bellant, The Bridge
Natalie Stigall, The Bridge


Christopher McClure, Student Affairs Division Secretary
Zane Moseley, Student Activities Secretary
Rosetta Mouer, Payroll Specialist
Dr. Donnetta Suchon, VP Student Affairs
Katrina Campbell, Student
Keith Coleman, Athletic Director
Brian Kelly, Student
Susan Smedley, Public Relations Director
Marylou Ortuvia, Counselor, Process Technology
Alicia Garcia, Student
Keila Guevara, Student
Rhonda Drew, LSSS instructor

Minutes from March 6 – Approved as Written

I. Old Business

MOU Baytown Police Department – Rosemary, Amanda, and Det. Hernandez met on March 29 to discuss a written agreement between Baytown PD and Lee College. A draft was created and was sent on to legal counsel with Baytown PD. From there, we hope to have it reviewed by our administration and/or legal counsel.

Marketing issues:

Blackboard and Campus SaVE – Laura will follow up and find out how to automatically enroll students into a shell in the Blackboard system. We will need content to include. It was discussed that we would like a similar folder for all instructors with information on institutional support (such as Title IX processes and resources) and academic support.

Other methods to reach students/ faculty – in addition to working in Blackboard. Other ideas were discussed which included:

• A statement on the syllabus. This was a recommendation at a recent Title IX Task Force meeting. Rosemary and Amanda will work on that statement and get it to Laura to include on the syllabus template used by all faculty. It should be going out very soon.
• There needs to be a presence at division meetings during professional development week.
• It was suggested that we create a postcard to give out to faculty with information on being a responsible employee and how to refer staff and students to Title IX resources.
• Create a statement to be posted in all bathrooms (male and female) with information similar to “I’m here to help.” Rosemary will get with Jessica Falla to discuss more.
• Add information to the freshman follow up folder in addition to the new student orientation folder.
• Get with Chris Coats to see if he can cut down the existing video to a 2 – 3 minute video, more consistent with a PSA.

Maxient – We have had our kickoff meeting and have started the process of moving from Convercent to Maxient. The program for online reporting and case management appears to be much more customizable and appropriate for our use.

II. New Business

Upcoming Webinars – Rosemary gave out information on webinars offered through the Clery Center. As members, these are free. She will send out outlook reminders and anyone is welcome to attend. Upcoming topics include Clery Geography; Counting Clery Crimes; Ongoing Disclosures; Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking; and Cleary Coordination.

III. Outreach Activities

Report on Sexual Assault Awareness Month Activities – This year, the activities were spread out throughout the month instead of focusing on one week. Attendance for the different activities ranged from 3 – 9 students with the exception of the Improv and Take Back the Night, which had about 30 attending. The Take Back the Night event was more survivor focused with participants given the opportunity to write a survivor love letter and/or decorate denim patches for Denim Day. Others commented that students were asking questions about the Clothesline Project. There was also positive comments made as we handed out the calendar of events early in the month. Other suggestions from the group included:

  • We need to start promoting it earlier
  • Perhaps ask faculty if they had related topics for a workshop or discussion.
  • We need to get the LSSS and EDUC instructors more involved to have more of their student participating. A personal reach out to the instructors might help.
  • So they are not bombarded from Rosemary with emails, we can create our own email account. It was suggested that this be Rosemary will work on that.

Fall Events – We need to start thinking about events for the fall. Suggestions included

  • Continuing with Healthy Relationships. Rosemary shared a wallet card developed by Rice University. We can create a similar card for Lee College.
  • October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. It was noted that we do not have to wait for any particular month to have specific topics.
  • We can advertise the Kahoot workshop to classes or groups of students which gives students the basics of Title IX and how and what to report.
  • It was suggested that we have an open mic night with a Title IX theme.
  • There is a new documentary – “I am Evidence” that we can show.
  • Make sure we have a strong presence at welcome week.
  • Work with specific student groups. For example, Women in Manufacturing may want a specific topic that we can offer and then make it available to the entire campus.
  • To help with attendance, we can offer certificates of completion for those attending a specified number of activities. This can be something that they add to a resume for leadership experience. K-Leigh shard a leadership program for which she was previously involved.

IV. Other Announcements / Open Discussion

  • Jessica B. updated the group regarding our participation with TAASA and the Texas Campus Initiative Bystander Intervention for HSI institutions. There will be a meeting in San Antonio on May 16 and Interested committee members will be invited to participate through video conferencing for a portion of the conference. More information will be sent out.
  • Detective Hernandez asked about using text messages for marketing. We need to check on how that can happen and if students need to “opt in” for these. She also sees the need for information on dating violence be shared with the community.

Next Meeting – Over the summer, we will have a subcommittee meet to prepare for some of the activities for the fall. The following individuals volunteered: Rosemary Coffman, Amanda Summers, Amber Tempel, Tyrone Smith, K-Leigh Villanueva, Jessica Bellant, Mike Spletter, Jessica Thompson Falla. The date is May 29 at 2 p.m. and an invitation will be sent out to the entire committee and others are welcome to attend.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dr. Rosemary Coffman
Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean
Student Affairs

Amanda Summers
Amanda Summers, Director,
Human Resources
