Campus SaVE Minutes - 3-23-2016

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Campus SaVE Advisory Committee
March 23, 2016 / Minutes

Members Present:
Co-Chair: Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean/ Student Affairs
Co-Chair, Amanda Summers, Human Resources Director
Howard Bushart, Faculty (applied science)
JR Velez, Security Captain
Jessica Bellant, Education & Prevention Manager, The Bridge
Amanda Stevenson, Benefits Specialist
Mike Spletter, Student Activities Director
Leigh Garcia, Math/Science Division Secretary
Quintten Hawkins, Student (REAL organization)
K-Leigh Villanueva, Disability Services Counselor

Marti Covington, Marketing and Public Affairs
Jessica Thompson Falla, Advisor
Dr. Donnetta Suchon, VP Student Affairs
Susan Smedley, Public Relations Director
Dr. Laura Lane-Worley, Faculty (academic)
Rosetta Mouer, Payroll Specialist (staff representative)
Olivia Rivers, Advocacy and Education Director, The Bridge
Ruth Francis, Student Representative (Phoenix: Women Rising At Lee
College student organization)

Review of Minutes from February 24

Approved as written.

New Members Welcome

We welcomed our new member to this advisory committee, K-Leigh Villanueva, the counselor for Disability Service.

Policies and Procedures Update

Amanda gave an update on the approval of the new procedures. In March, she and Rosemary presented to the extended President's Cabinet and is now approved. The updated procedures has been posted to the website ( and will be added to the employee handbook very soon.

We have gotten the approval to move forward with the purchasing of the web-based reporting tool through Convercent. We are requesting funds from the President to start the process as soon as possible so that we won't need to wait until the next budget cycle. Once approved, the procedures will be updated to reflect the online process of reporting. For more information, on the product, you can go to

Update on Outreach to Campus Community

  • Sexual Assault Awareness Month – The planning for Sexual Assault Awareness Month activities has begun. The committee was given a handout with information on the activities for the week of April 18th. In addition to the activities, there will be more information shared through social media, the web, flyers, posters, and emails to the campus community. For the two workshops, Howard will be bringing the classes that meet at the time of the workshop.
    The activities for the week include:
    • Clothesline Project: From the Bridge Over Troubled Waters / Monday – Thursday (April 18 – 21) Student Center
    • Workshop – Bystander Education– Tuesday, April 19 / 2:00 p.m. / Edythe Old Studio – presented by Jessica Bellant (The Bridge) and the REAL Organization
    • Viewing of the Documentary the Hunting Ground and T-Shirt project – Wednesday, April 20, 2:00 p.m. – Bayer Conference Center / The Bridge with Phoenix Women Rising
    • After the documentary participants will be given a chance to create and display their own t-shirts.
    • Workshop –Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault – Presented by The Bridge – Thursday, April 21, 2:30 p.m. / Edythe Old Studio
    • Spike Lee Joint Improv Group – Wednesday, April 20 / Tucker Hall / 6 p.m.

    Howard reported that he has asked for streaming rights for the Hunting Ground. K-Leigh reminded the group to make sure it's the captioned version that is made available.

  • Video Project – A subgroup of committee members will meet immediately after this meeting to discuss an outline and start the process of making short videos for the campus.
  • Branding – There was a continued discussion of the branding of our efforts. Laura Lane Worley brought information to the group on the efforts at Collin County Community College that Rosemary shared with the group. The Dignity Initiative page can be found online at The group was asked to either email suggestions or Rosemary or Amanda or bring ideas to the table for the next meeting.
    In addition, there was a discussion of the language we use. It was suggested that "Campus SaVE" may not be effective in communicating to students and employees that this concerns sexual misconduct policy and reporting.

Partnership with The Bridge

Jessica Bellant shared information on Lee College's partnership with The Bridge and the Office of the Attorney General grant, with the purpose of engaging students and the community concerning primary prevention strategies. In addition to continuing with workshops and other activities for the campus, she will be looking for students to participate in psychoeducation groups. Groups of 8 – 10 students will meet for a total of 8 hours—probably 6 sessions for 90 minutes—to discuss topics such as gender socialization/roles, the role of media, healthy relationship behaviors, and conflict resolution.

She has met with several classes and has a list of students possibly interested in the project. The goal is to have the first group for this summer. She is also working with Impact ECHS to offer the program to their students.

Another suggestion was to offer the program to employees. The suggestion of a brown bag lunch series of meetings or Friday sessions were made.

Next Meeting

Our next meeting is scheduled for April 13th at 3:30 p.m. At this time, we will review the new procedures and talk about the committee's role. We also ask that you bring ideas of the branding to this meeting for discussion.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dr. Rosemary Coffman
Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean/ Student Affairs

Amanda Summers
Amanda Summers, Director, Human Resources
