Campus SaVE Minutes - 12-8-2015

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Campus SaVE Advisory Committee
December 8

Members Present:

Co-Chair: Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean/ Student Affairs
Marti Covington (for Susan Smedley), Marketing and Public Affairs
Laura Lane-Worley, Faculty (academic)
Howard Bushart, Faculty (applied science)
J.R. Velez, Security Captain
Olivia Rivers, Advocacy and Education Director, The Bridge
Jessica Bellant, Education & Prevention Manager, The Bridge
Ruth Francis, Student Representative (Phoenix: Women Rising At Lee
College student organization)
Mike Spletter, Student Activities Director


Co-Chair: Amanda Summers, Human Resources Director
Donnetta Suchon, VP Student Affairs
Steve Evans, VP Finance and Administration
Rosetta Mourer, Payroll Specialist (staff representative)

Review of Minutes from November 18

Approved as written.

Discussion of Professional Development Day

There is an opportunity to have a speaker regarding Campus SaVE as part of the professional development day for the College on January 12.Rosemary is working with Dr. Kemper on getting one on the schedule. She feels that the faculty want to hear more about the regulations and their responsibility with Campus SaVE.

Jessica is willing to present on an overview of the new regulations. The committee also discussed having a booth both at the PAC in the morning and in the Student Center in the afternoon.Committee members may be contacted to help with the booth. In addition, a break out session can be scheduled for Wednesday of that week with Jessica and/or Olivia with The Bridge.

On January 20, Mike will be working with clubs and organizations for the Welcome Back Bash.Since January is both Stalking Awareness Month and Human Trafficking Awareness Month, the committee suggested that we have a booth with information on Campus SaVE to the students as well as information on these two issues.

Collaborative Project Membership

Rosemary reported that the College is now a member of the Collaborative Project through the Clery Center. A handout of the membership benefits was given to the committee and more information can be found online at site includes a one hour webinar which has more information on membership benefits.Rosemary and Amanda will be working with the Clery Center and setting up a time to discuss the benefits. A team has been selected to have access to the service based on positions at the College.

Online Reporting Options

Rosemary has met with Amanda to discuss two options on online reporting of sexual misconduct—the committee discussed last meeting which includes Convercent ( and Calisto. They will look at these options more closely and report back to the committee.

Next Steps / Suggestions from the Committee

Other areas of discussion included the following:

  • Laura stated that the workshops that she attended suggested that all syllabi include a statement regarding Campus SaVE and how students can report any incidences of sexual misconduct. It was agreed that this statement needs to be drafted but it would have to go through the instructional deans and vice president to add it to the syllabi templates.
  • Jessica would like to work with the students to create videos on specific topics such as bystander intervention, what is consent, and stalking. It was suggested that a subcommittee be formed to discuss possible topics and prioritizing the topics.
  • Other activities for the spring semester include:
    • Hosting a movie viewing in January on Human Trafficking.
    • Offer the Healthy Relationships presentation to students and staff (3 dates).
    • Review the posters that have been placed around campus. Rosemary will send these out to the committee for feedback. It was suggested that there needs to be more resource information on the posters and more placed in high traffic areas.

Next Meeting

The committee agreed to meet again on February 2 at 2 p.m. At that time we will discuss the possible creation of a subcommittee.


Respectfully Submitted,

Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean/Student Affairs
