Campus SaVE Minutes - 2-2-2016

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Campus SaVE Advisory Committee
February 2, 2016 / Minutes

Members Present: Co-Chair: Amanda Summers, Human Resources Director; Co-Chair: Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean/ Student Affairs; Susan Smedley, Director, Marketing and Public Affairs; JR Velez, Security Captain; Olivia Rivers, Advocacy and Education Director, The Bridge; Jessica Bellant, Education & Prevention Manager, The Bridge; Dr. Donnetta Suchon, VP Student Affairs; Ruth Francis, Student Representative (Phoenix: Women Rising At Lee College student organization); Mike Spletter, Student Activities Director; Jessica Thompson Falla, College Completion Coach (Weekend College); Amanda Stevenson, Benefits Specialist

Absent: Howard Bushart, Faculty (applied science); Dr. Laura Lane-Worley, Faculty (academic); Rosetta Mouer, Payroll Specialist

Review of Minutes from December 8 and New Member Welcome

Approved with minor corrections (added year to title). The Advisory Committee welcomed two new members. Jessica Thompson Falla and Amanda Stevenson. Another student representative has been recommended and we hope they will be at our next meeting.

Professional Day Activities

The evaluation of the professional day activities regarding Campus SaVE was shared with the group. Overall, very positive feedback. A copy of evaluation summary was made available to the group.

Collaborative Project Membership

The members of the committee now have access to the secure website that is available with our membership to the Collaborative project. Amanda demonstrated the functionality of the website and the resources that can be found. There are online webinars available and members of the committee will be able to access some of these as they become available.

Policies and Procedures Update

Rosemary and Amanda will share the updated procedures for reporting and investigating sexual misconduct with Donnetta. The goal is to present them to the committee at our next meeting and to have updated policies added to the employee handbook and student catalog.

We are also considering a third party vendor for online reporting of sexual misconduct incidences. Information is being gathered from Callisto and My Safe Campus. Rosemary and Amanda are working with these vendors and will bring more information to the committee, including the cost, at our next meeting.

Outreach to Campus Community

  • Rosemary received feedback on the flyers/posters that we have printed. She is branding a few more for distribution. She brought copies to the meeting for the committee to take back to their area.
  • Ruth reported on the Film Series sponsored by Phoenix Rising. In particular, The Hunting Ground will be shown (date and time to be confirmed). The film documents sexual abuse allegations on campus across the country. This committee would like to work with Phoenix Rising to promote the film. In addition, Phi Theta Kappa is sponsoring a speaker on Human Trafficking on February 13th at 3 p.m. and the LGBTQ and Ally student organization, OHANA, will have a mental health discussion on general mental health including suicidal ideation on Wednesday February 17th at 2:30 p.m.
  • A subcommittee will be formed to discuss making a student video or videos. These would be very short student driven conversations on specific topics around Campus SaVE (e.g., consent, reporting, and bystander education). Susan suggested that the smaller group get together to finalize the topics, ideas, goals, modalities, etc., before meeting with Chris Coates in public relations. This subcommittee will consist of Howard Bushart, Laura Lane-Worley, Ruth Francis, and Jessica Bellant. Rosemary will help the group organize a meeting in the next few weeks.
  • Healthy Relationships Presentation – there are three scheduled times for the Healthy Relationships presentation in the spring. Jessica will work with us on getting the dates confirmed for the fall in order to include the information in the printed schedule with other activities on campus.
  • It was suggested that we need a more organized branding of our efforts to educate and promote the efforts of Campus SaVE. Susan has been asked to bring the topic back to the group at our next meeting with some ideas from the marketing prospective.

Climate Survey on Campus

We would like to explore the possibility of doing a climate survey on campus as a tool to learn more about the incidence of sexual misconduct on campus and to assess student and employee perceptions. While not mandatory, this is a common best practice tool to better meet the needs of the campus. The committee will be sent a document via email that provides a template and plan on how to conduct a survey so that we can discuss it more at our next meeting.

Next Meeting

The committee agreed to meet again on February 24 at 2 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Amanda Summers, Human Resources Director
Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean/ Student Affairs
