Campus SaVE Minutes - 11/29/2016

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Campus SaVE Advisory Committee
November 29, 2016 / Minutes

Members Present:

Co-Chair: Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean / Student Affairs
Co-Chair, Amanda Summers, Human Resources Director
Howard Bushart, Chair, applied science
Dr. Donnetta Suchon, VP Student Affairs
Zane Moseley, Student Activities Secretary
Dr. Laura Lane-Worley, Academic Faculty
K-Leigh Villanueva, Disability Services Counselor
Leigh Garcia, Math/Science Division Secretary
Christopher McClure, Student Affairs Division Secretary
Tyrone Smith, Academic Advisor
Amber Tempel, The Bridge


J.R. Velez, Security Captain
Jessica Bellant, Education & Prevention Manager, The Bridge
Mike Spletter, Student Activities Director
Olivia Rivers, Advocacy and Education Director, The Bridge
Susan Smedley, Public Relations Director
Rosetta Mouer, Payroll Specialist
Amanda Stevenson, Benefits Specialist
Jessica Thompson Falla, Advisor
Marti Covington, Marketing and Public Affairs

Review of Minutes from October 4

Approved as written.

Old Business

Update on Online Reporting Software – Rosemary reported on the update to the Convercent site. With the implementation of the Behavior Intervention Team, the site will be used for more than sexual misconduct. There was a discussion on how the link can be more prevalent on the website. Some of the suggestions was to have a table on the Moler Hall Patio with information and creating a generic business card to hand out. Right now, the only use has been through Rosemary leading students to the site. We need to make sure people know to report when we are closed for the holidays.

Sexual Misconduct Subcommittee – The committee has not met since our last meeting. Rosemary and Amanda will continue to work with them on training. We are ordering some investigation forms that will help with a checklist for the investigation process.

Prevention Groups with The Bridge – Amber reported on the status of the Prevention Groups on campus. Right now, they have four students from Jessica’s DAAC class that are moving on to phase 2. They are preparing to ask for a renewal of their grant with the Attorney General’s office. With the low numbers of participants, we need to make sure we get a better commitment in order to have a better chance of renewing our grant.

  • We will continue to work with specific DAAC classes and the social work classes.
  • We are working with the Impact ECHS to see if we can get a commitment
  • We have approached others including Gregg Lattier and Service Learning.
  • Other suggestions included approaching TECA classes (needing observations), LSSS
    classes, a leadership program for campus clubs, and OHANA
  • We also discussed having a group for faculty and staff with supervisor’s permission.
    • If we do the sessions on Thursday morning, we can get student affairs personnel to participate and also open it up to the rest of the campus.
    • A two-day event for faculty and staff (four hours each day) with food with a retreat type atmosphere.
    • For the future, it was suggested that we can tie in the groups with the Lee Reads project.

Outreach – Since our last meeting, we had a table at the Fall Fiesta.

New Business

Rights and Options Document – As part of our requirement for Campus SaVE, we need to create a Rights and Options document that will be given to students and staff once a sexual misconduct report has been made. Rosemary and Amanda shared a draft document to the group. Several suggestions were made including reworking the order of the information to put the most immediate health and safety information toward the front of the document. We also will add more information on the online reporting tool and additional resources.

Creation of Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) – Rosemary reported that the College will be establishing a BIT for the Campus. This interdisciplinary team will work with the campus to review issues with students in order to provide resources and support. Several College employees have recently returned from an intensive training on setting up a BIT. Title IX and Campus SaVE issues will be a part of the program.

Next Meeting – Our next meeting will be February 1, 2 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean/ Student Affairs
Amanda Summers, Director, Human Resources
