Campus SaVE Minutes - 3/8/2017

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Campus SaVE Advisory Committee
March 8, 2017

Members Present:
Co-Chair: Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean / Student Affairs
Amanda Stevenson, Benefits Specialist
Christopher McClure, Student Affairs Division Secretary
Tyrone Smith, Academic Advisor
Amber Tempel, The Bridge
J.R. Velez, Security Captain
Cynthia Hill, Student
Jessica Thompson Falla, Advisor
Marti Covington, Marketing and Public Affairs

Co-Chair, Amanda Summers, Human Resources Director
K-Leigh Villanueva, Disability Services Counselor
Dr. Laura Lane-Worley, Academic Faculty
Zane Moseley, Student Activities Secretary
Howard Bushart, Chair, applied science
Jessica Bellant, Education & Prevention Manager, The Bridge
Mike Spletter, Student Activities Director
Susan Smedley, Public Relations Director
Rosetta Mouer, Payroll Specialist
Dr. Donnetta Suchon, VP Student Affairs
Leigh Garcia, Math/Science Division Secretary

Review of Minutes from February 1

Approved as written.

Old Business

Healthy Relationships Workshop – For the spring semester, the attendance for the workshops have been dismal. The last one is scheduled for March 28th. To try to get more people, additional emails will be sent out to include inviting faculty and staff, as an introduction to Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and a special invitation to the LSSS and EDUC1200 students who may need options for events.

Rights and Options Document – A draft of the Rights and Options document in a new booklet format was presented to the group. The consensus was that the layout allowed for easier reading. Rosemary will send out the electronic version to all committee members so they can give feedback. As a reminder, this document is a requirement for Campus SaVE, to be given to students and/or staff once a sexual misconduct report has been made.

Health Fair – The Bridge will have a booth at our Health Fair on March 28 from 1 – 4 p.m. We need volunteers from our committee to sit with Amber. If you are interested, please contact Rosemary. This can be from 30 minutes or more of your time. In addition to the information that Amber will bring from The Bridge, we will have key chains and information about the SAAM events in April.

Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) – The planning committee has met twice in preparation for events for Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Events will be held from April 13-21. Events include the following:

  • April 13 – Documentary Audrie and Daisy followed by creation of T-Shirts for Clothesline Display
  • Week of April 17 – Clothesline display (Student Center Foyer) and Silent Witness Display (Student Success Center)
  • April 17 – Opening Reception / Information Table
  • April 18 – Bystander workshop with R.E.A.L.
  • April 18 (evening) – Spike Lee Joint Improv
  • April 19 – Sexual Assault and the LBGTQ Community (with OHANA)
  • April 19 (evening) Take Back The Night
  • April 20 – Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault workshop

We hope that the committee members will be able to support the events by attending and help with getting the word out to others. In addition, we need volunteers to sit at the information table from 12:30 – 6 p.m. This can be 30 minutes or more. Flyers are being created and will be ready in the next few weeks.

New Business

TACCSAA Clery Act Training – The Texas Association of Community College Student Affairs Association is hosting a Clery Act Training Program on May 1 – 2 in Corpus Christie. The cost will $200 for nonmembers. A copy of the agenda and curriculum overview was shared with the committee. If you are interested in attending, please notify Rosemary. We may have some funds to pay for the registration for a limited number of people.

Fear2Freedom Sexual Assault Awareness Resource Kit – Rosemary shared information on this resource kit. The committee agreed that it would be a good purchase for our efforts. The cost is $1000 and includes the use of a 30 minute documentary, a template for leading a panel discussion, a 3 minute empowerment video, a one page survey assessment tool to use after an event, a pledge card program, a resource card that can be modified to include local resources. Committee members can check out their website at

Other Announcements / Open Discussion

  • Jessica shared information about the new Anti-Discrimination Student Committee. The committee meets every Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. in Huddle 232 and represents the social injustice groups on campus with the goal of spreading the word that every student is valuable. They have created a button “We Are Lee College” which was distributed to students during Spring Fling.
  • Amber shared information on Denim Day, which is April 26. This day was set aside to honor a survivor who lost her sexual assault case in court on the basis that she was wearing jeans, which were judged as “too tight to be removed.” On this day, everyone is encouraged to wear denim. Amber suggested that we make cutouts from jeans that people can pin to their clothes. Since this is the day of the health fair, we can pass them out at our booth.
  • We discussed having more information regarding the online reporting tool be made available to faculty, staff, and students. Rosemary will work with Jessica on a flyer to be branded that can go on the rotator on the web and the plasma screens.

Next Meeting – Our next meeting will be April 26, 3 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean/ Student Affairs
Amanda Summers, Director, Human Resources
