Campus SaVE Minutes - 2/28/2019

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Campus SaVE Advisory Committee —
Feb. 28, 2019

Members Present

  • Co-Chair: Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean/ Student Affairs
  • Howard Bushart, Chair, applied science
  • Zane Moseley, Student Activities Secretary
  • Rhonda Drew, Faculty, LSSS
  • Mike Spletter, Student Activities Director
  • K-Leigh Villanueva, Counselor for Students with Disabilities
  • Amanda Stevenson, Benefits Specialist
  • Natalie Stigall, The Bridge Over Troubled Waters
  • Gavriel Pipins, Intern, Student Affairs
  • Shunda Jenkins, Faculty, Speech
  • Tyrone Smith, Advisor
  • Christopher McClure, Secretary (Student Affairs)

Minutes from January 16

Approved as Written with minor corrections

Old Business

  • “You Are Not Alone” flyer distribution update – We have just about all restrooms covered with the flyers. We will continue to monitor and check areas that we may have missed.
  • Website review – No report.     
  • Employee Training – No Report

New Business / Presentations / Activities

  • Rosemary reported that she and Amanda Summers attended the Atixa training in January. They received a tremendous amount of information and resources for improving our Title IX processes.  They will be reviewing the policy and procedures based on information received.
  • Rosemary and Amanda would like to include short training (15 min) at our Campus SaVE meetings. Topics can include information such as the history of Title IX, the role of the responsible employee, more information on resources, etc.  The committee was asked to think about possible topics.  One suggestion was information on how to respond to individuals who are seeking support for sexual assault or domestic violence (other than Title IX investigation issues).  Committee members were encouraged to email Rosemary or Amanda on other topics that may want to see.
  • Other spring activities will include:
    • The Health Fair is March 26. The Bridge and Campus Save will have one table.  Members are encouraged to come by and help with the booth. Gavriel will be there for the event.
    • Spring Fling is April 3. We discussed having an activity that would coincide with Sexual Assault Awareness month.  Natalie will check to see if the Bridge can help host a table.
    • As part of Women’s History Month (March), The Bridge will facilitate a roundtable discussion, “Learning from #metoo.”
  • Sexual Assault Awareness Month – April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Rosemary emphasized that we need to think of both activities and messaging for the month.  Messaging will include social media posts as well as the T-shirt project display.  Discussion included the following:
    • The group would still like to do “Take Back the Night” but TBOTW will not be able to take the lead. They will be able to attend and support the event and perhaps lead the Speak Out for the evening.  We will investigate purchasing teal bandannas for the event.
    • April is also Child Abuse Awareness Month. We discussed having some focus on this topic along with sexual assault awareness.
    • TBOTW will have an open house in April. We can include that information in our calendar of events for the month.  There is also an event with Impact students that can be included on the calendar.
    • The Clothesline Display can be on exhibit. It was suggested that we have the display in both the Student Center and the Student Success Center.  If we need additional t-shirts, THBOW have some that we can borrow.
    • This year, Spring Fling is in April. The group discussed having an event /activity and take the opportunity to advertise the events for SAAM.  We could do paint on hands (with latex gloves) on a poster “These Hands Don’t Hurt.”  We could do different color paint such as teal for sexual assault and blue for child abuse.  April is also Autism awareness month.  We could also have students sign a pledge that day.
    • We have the last Healthy Relationships workshop in April that can be included on the calendar.
    • We have the materials for the creation of additional t-shirts if we decide to do that project.
    • Other suggestions included Denim Day, weekly movies, information on consent, display of the banner, employee training.
    • The subcommittee will meet on March 6 at 3 pm. (RH107) to finalize the activities. Those on the subcommittee include Rosemary, Howard, Mike, Zane, Gavriel, Christopher, and Natalie. Any committee member is welcome to come to the subcommittee meetings.
Announcements / Other / Next Meeting
  • Rhonda will work with Natalie to see if she can bring The Healthy Relationship presentation to her Impact classes that meet at 8 am (MW and TT).

Next Meeting – Our next meeting will be Wednesday, May 1, 2:00 p.m. 

Respectfully Submitted,

Dr. Rosemary Coffman
Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean
Student Affairs

Amanda Summers
Amanda Summers, Director,
Human Resources
