Campus SaVE Minutes - 11-18-2015

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Campus SaVE Advisory Committee
November 18, 2015

Members Present: Co-Chair: Amanda Summers, Human Resources Director
Co-Chair: Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean/ Student Affairs
Susan Smedley, Marketing and Public Affairs Director
Laura Lane-Worley, Faculty (academic)
Howard Bushart, Faculty (applied science)
JR Velez, Security Captain
Olivia Rivers, Advocacy and Education Director, The Bridge
Jessica Bellant, Education & Prevention Manager, The Bridge
Rosetta Mouer, Payroll Specialist, staff representative

Absent: Donnetta Suchon, VP Student Affairs
Ruth Francis, Student Representative
Mike Spletter, Student Activities Director
Steve Evans, VP Finance and Administration

Introductions and Review of Minutes from June 9th

This Committee met on June 9th to start the process of being in compliance with Campus SaVE. The committee membership changed to include a student representation, a staff representative, and representation from The Bridge Over Troubled Waters. Committee members were provided minutes from this previous meeting.

Background Information / Committee’s Purpose

A handout was provided “Clery Act and Title IX Guidebook” as a reference to the discussion. The major compliance areas were discussed which included primary prevention and awareness programs; ongoing prevention and awareness campaigns; prohibition statement of non-discrimination; definition of key terms; bystander intervention; risk reduction; and grievance policies, procedures and resources.

We discussed the purpose of the committee which is to gain input from a wide representation from the Lee College and the community in the areas of policies/procedures and activities on campus in order to promote a safe campus environment and to bring prevention and awareness to both students and employees.

Website Update/ Awareness and Prevention Activities

Since the last meeting, a website page was created as a means of sharing of the required information to faculty, staff, students, and the community. (

In addition, the committee was given information on other activities which have been initiated since the final regulations became effective on July 1. This included:

  • Starting in August, all new employees now must complete an online training regarding sexual misconduct
  • Information was added to the New Student Orientation which included information added to the PowerPoint and handouts on definitions and risk reduction in their packets.
  • Healthy Relationships Workshops — In partnership with The Bridge, a total of 8 workshops were offered to students during the fall semester. These will continue in the spring with fewer sessions and again in the fall with more sessions.
  • Posters were created and distributed across campus. Information was displayed on the plasma screens.
  • The board policy that includes compliance issues of Campus SaVE was put on the website.
  • The Bridge Over Troubled Waters conducted a presentation to counselors, advisors and other student affairs personnel on issues related to working with students affected by sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking (July). A representative from The Bridge also participated in the College’s Drug and Alcohol Awareness Day (October 7) and made a classroom presentation on domestic violence and substance use disorders (November). An optional session during professional development day in August was offered, but poorly attended (August).

Comments and Suggestions

In the course of the discussion, there were many suggestions regarding how to bring awareness and prevention to the campus. It was suggested that primary prevention is also about telling people not to victimize and having reminders of what is appropriate behavior. The following was discussed as possible actions:

  • Have a mandatory meeting with all employees at Professional Development Day in January.
  • Bring the online training to all employees and not just new employees — we need to further discuss how this would be implemented and enforced.
  • Add the information that is given to NSO students to the Freshman Follow-Up mandatory meetings.
  • Use of Peers such as peer-to-peer mentoring and use of student ambassadors to post to social media.
  • More posters / post on the back of every classroom door
  • Video series — 5 to 10 minute videos done monthly with student conversations and also to include employment scenarios.
  • Additional presentations from The Bridge in addition to the Healthy Relationships.
  • Involvement of the LGBT community

Laura reported on two training that she attended recently through the University of Houston, Clear Lake, which included the UH attorney Rich Baker. The discussion emphasized the importance of reporting. A more detailed outline is attached with these minutes.

Policies and Procedures Update

To be in compliance, there is a need to have clearer procedures in place for students and employees in terms of reporting and investigating sexual misconduct. Rosemary and Amanda have worked on new procedures which incorporated the existing sexual harassment procedures. We are investigating in moving to online reporting in which a student or employee can report incidences. There is also a need to have more clear directions on how and to whom students and employees report.

Two outside websites were discussed to help with the online reporting — and Calisto.

The committee wanted to meet again before the Professional Development Day in January. Our next meeting was set for Wednesday, December 8 at 2 p.m. in the JBH 123 conference room.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean/ Student Affairs
Amanda Summers, Human Resource Director
