Campus SaVE Minutes - 2-24-2016

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Campus SaVE Advisory Committee
Minutes: February 24, 2016

Members Present:
Co-Chair: Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean/ Student Affairs
Marti Covington (for Susan Smedley), Marketing and Public Affairs
Howard Bushart, Faculty (applied science)
JR Velez, Security Captain
Jessica Bellant, Education & Prevention Manager, The Bridge
Jessica Thompson Falla, Advisor
Mike Spletter, Student Activities Director

Co-Chair: Amanda Summers, Human Resources Director
Dr. Donnetta Suchon, VP Student Affairs
Susan Smedley, Public Relations Director
Dr. Laura Lane-Worley, Faculty (academic)
Amanda Stevenson, Benefits Specialist
Steve Evans, VP Finance and Administration
Rosetta Mouer, Payroll Specialist (staff representative)
Olivia Rivers, Advocacy and Education Director, The Bridge
Ruth Francis, Student Representative (Phoenix: Women Rising At Lee College student organization)
Leigh Garcia, Math/Science Division Secretary
Quintten Hawkins, Student (REAL organization)

Review of Minutes from December 8

Approved as written.

New Members Welcome

As of February, there are two new members for the advisory committee. Leigh Garcia is the division secretary for the math science division and is a social work student at the University of Houston. Quintten Hawkins is our second student representative and the president of REAL. Due to scheduling conflicts, they were unable to be at this meeting but will join us in March.

Collaborative Project Membership

Lee College is a partner with the Clery Center and the Collaborative Project. All members of the advisory committee have been given access to their website and the resources on the site. Several members are still unable to access the site and Rosemary will be working with them individually. If any member has not tried to log on, they were asked to do so and report if they have any problems.

This membership does include free webinars for members. Rosemary will share more information on upcoming sessions for anyone interested.

Policies and Procedures Update

Amanda and Rosemary are scheduled to present the updated procedures to the cabinet on March 1. Once this is approved, they will bring the document back to the committee for review.

Online Reporting Options

Rosemary and Amanda has met with two vendors for online reporting services. Their recommendation is the Convercent Hotline and Case Management module. The cost is $9,000 for the first year and $7,000 for subsequent years. The request has been sent to the vice presidents for review and approval. If approved, we will either have to find funds from existing accounts this year or wait for the item to be budgeted for the 2016/17 fiscal year. Information on Convercent was available at the meeting or members can get more information online at Below is other information that was shared with the committee regarding the product:

  • The product includes a Web intake form and a 24/7 hotline.
  • There are 200+ different types of reporting that we can choose to use which allows us
  • to use it for other types of issues other than sexual misconduct. This includes topics such as academic dishonesty, student grievances, and fraud. Individuals can upload documents, photos, or videos and can choose level of anonymity and what information to give.
  • There are different levels of security and individuals will only have access to the area related to their case.
  • Administrative page includes a dashboard that is configurable by user. Activity is documented with date and time stamp. Issue types can be filtered into reports.
  • Includes “canned reports” which may include summary by location, by issues and more and can be used for Clery Reporting
  • 4-6 week turnaround time for customization.

Use of Campus Climate Surveys on Campus

Rosemary is investigating the possibility of using a third part vendor to set up a climate survey for the campus regarding sexual misconduct. The other possibility is setting up our own survey through Class Climate.

Update on Outreach to Campus Community

  • At the time of the meeting, two of the three presentations for The Healthy Relationships have been conducted for the spring semester. A learning strategies class was present for the evening session (earlier this week) and two individuals attended the one for the day of this meeting. Jessica (the Bridge) has one more scheduled for March 2 at noon. Rosemary will send out a reminder.
  • Immediately after the committee meeting, Phoenix Women Rising will host the showing of “The Hunting Ground,” the documentary on sexual assaults on college campuses. Jessica Bellant will be attending along with other staff from the college.
  • There have been no meetings yet scheduled to start the discussion of the student videos. Those interested include Laura Lane Worley, Howard Bushart, Ruth Francis, and Jessica Bellant. Jessica Thompson Falla will check on Quintten’s interest. The group will meet immediately following out next committee meeting in March (March 23rd).
  • There was more discussion on the possible branding of our efforts with Campus SaVE. It shows a unified effort. It was suggested that it would be good to have something for April and Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Marti suggested that Lorrent in public relations cold help with a logo or graphics.
  • April is sexual assault awareness month. The committee agreed on several activities with a focus of one week (to be determined and based on scheduling availability):
    • Clothesline Project Display from The Bridge. This is a display of different color t-shirts created by survivors of sexual assault depicting different forms of abuse. The display will be for one week (to be determined) and it was suggested to use the student center lobby.
    • Reshowing of the documentary “The Hunting Ground.” After a discussion participants will be invited to create their own t-shirts based on personal experiences or for friends or family that have gone through the experience. We will check with one of the social injustice clubs to see if they want to sponsor the event and purchase the t-shirts and puffy paint.
    • Jessica Bellant will offer a bystander education workshop during the week. If interested, the REAL organization can join her for a conversation and possibly some role-playing of scenarios.
    • Rosemary will coordinate emails and other media outreach for the month and the activities.

Next Meeting

The committee agreed to meet again on March 23rd at 2:30 p.m. The student video subcommittee will meet immediately after the regular advisory meeting.

Respectfully Submitted,
Rosemary Coffman, PhD, CRC, LCDC
Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean / Student Affairs
