Campus SaVE Minutes - 12/5/2018

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Campus SaVE Advisory Committee —
Dec. 5, 2018


Members Present:

  • Co-Chair: Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean/ Student Affairs
  • Howard Bushart, Chair, applied science
  • Zane Moseley, Student Activities Secretary
  • Christopher McClure, Student Affairs Division Secretary
  • Natalie Stigall, The Bridge Over Troubled Waters
  • Mike Spletter, Student Activities Director
  • Dr. Laura Lane-Worley, Academic Faculty
  • Jessica Thompson Falla, HSI
  • Gavriel Pippins, Intern Student Affairs
  • JR Velez, Security Captain
  • K-Leigh Villanueva, Disability Services Counselor
  • Lauren Oehler, Community Education


  • Co-Chair: Amanda Summers, HR Director
  • Tyrone Smith, Academic Advisor
  • Susan Smedley, Public Relations Director
  • Marylou Ortuvia, Counselor, Process Technology
  • Rhonda Drew, LSSS instructor
  • Det. Iveleth Hernandez, Baytown Police Department
  • Jessica Bellant, The Bridge
  • Amanda Stevenson, Benefits Specialist
  • Dr. Donnetta Suchon, VP Student Affairs
  • Ivonne Vega, student
  • Kassandra Flores, Advisor
  • Rosetta Mouer, Payroll Specialist
Minutes from November 7 – Approved as Written

Old Business
  • “You Are Not Alone” flyer distribution – Thank you to Gavriel and other volunteers for assisting in putting the flyers in all the restrooms across campus. Lauren will help put them in her building (909 Decker).  Captain Velez will work on helping with getting them posted at the McNair Center and we need to post at the South Liberty County Education Center.  We discussed resources for those in Liberty and the need to respond if they do reach out. 
  • MOU Baytown Police Department – no report
  • There will be a meeting this Friday with TAASA and the Texas Campus Initiative Bystander Intervention group. Jessica Thompson Falla will be attending remotely if possible.
  • We will continue to review the website for needed changes. Gavriel suggested that we have more collapsible sections to make it easier to find information.  Rosemary reported that this was a request for another page and was told it was not possible at this time.  The other option would be to remove some of the text from the main page.  The suggestions and discussion included the following:
    • The college is looking at a major overhaul of the website. We need to keep in mind how we would want our information to be included with the new design.  Several of the Campus Save Committee is also on the website committee as well.
    • We need to think about what we want for our main message. If it is about reporting, we need to move the link to reporting to the top of the page.  We can include the “you are not alone” tagline and resources. 
    • Can we have a link that lists all type of reporting (Title IX, conduct, BIT)? There was a good example with the Maxient training that Rosemary will find and share.
New Business
  • Rosemary announced that we would no longer have the Prevention program with the Bridge at Lee College. They will be partnering with a middle school in order to reach younger participants for the program.  We recognize and express gratitude for the program while it was here and noted that it made an impact on the campus.  The change will not impact other areas of our partnership such as offering the Healthy Relationships workshops, being part of our Campus SaVE committee and participating in campus events such as Sexual Assault Awareness Month.  
  • The Department of Education under the leadership of DeVos have proposed major changes to how colleges respond to Title IX sexual misconduct reports and investigations. The open comment period for those changes have started and Rosemary will send out a link if anyone is interested.  Many feel that the changes are designed to give more protections and rights to those that are accused and less support for those that report.
Presentations / Activities

Rosemary reported the following presentations and/or activities since our last meeting

  • The final two Healthy Relationships workshops led by The Bridge were held on November 7 (6 p.m.) with no participants and November 13 (2 p.m.) with 16 participants who were all LVN students.
  • The workshop, #Trigger Warnings, was held on November 27 at 6 pm. Appreciation to Kassandra for helping set this up, Jessica and A Spike Lee Joint for their improv performance, Natalie and Jessica for being part of the panel discussion, and Mike (Student Activities) for providing pizza.  There were about 18 in attendance.  
  • The Power of Words Forum took place on November 28 at 1:30 p.m. at The Bridge in Pasadena.
Other Announcements / Open Discussion
  • Our next Mental Health First Aid Training will be in February. Committee members are   encourage to ask others in their areas to attend if they have not previously. It is open to any Lee College employee.
  • There was a suggestion that there needs to be more training for employees on how to respond to reports of sexual misconduct. We discussed how to respond to students and the issue of mandatory reporting versus confidential support that one receives from those who are licensed and/or clergy. Right now, we do not have anyone on campus that has that designation and we refer individuals to The Bridge.  Rosemary reiterated that reporting is required for all Campus Security Authorities based on their position on campus, even if they hold a professional license.  There is a resource document to give to all those that report a Title IX issue that outlines specifics about the student’s rights and the College’s responsibilities.  These are kept in Rosemary and Amanda’s office as the Title IX Coordinators.  It was suggested that this information be put online—information that is more direct rather than the actual policy. Rosemary will discuss this with Amanda and come back to the group with more information.
  • It was suggested that we check into getting information on support for students during the holiday break by including information on the web rotator. While there is not an increase in domestic violence during this time, there is a rise in mental health needs and suicide risks.   

Next Meeting – Our next meeting will be Wednesday, January 16 at 2:00 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dr. Rosemary Coffman
Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean
Student Affairs

Amanda Summers
Amanda Summers, Director,
Human Resources
