Campus SaVE Minutes - 9/12/2019

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Campus SaVE Advisory Committee —
Sept. 12, 2019

Members Present

  • Co-Chair: Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean/ Student Affairs
  • Co-Chair: Amanda Summers, HR Director

  • Howard Bushart, Chair, faculty, applied science

  • Zane Moseley, Advisor, Student Affairs
  • Mike Spletter, Student Activities Director
  • Nathan Lilly, Student, Student Affairs
  • K-leigh Villanueva, Counselor, Access Center
  • John Conner, Security Captain
  • Detective Iveleth Hernandez, Baytown Police Department
  • Natalie Stigall, The Bridge Over Troubled Waters

  • Jessica Falla, Title V

I. Minutes from May 1

Approved as Written.

II. Old Business

  • Website review – Amanda asked that we continue to look at the updates that need to happen with the website. A subcommittee was formed to work with her and volunteers from the group included Interim Chief Conner, Howard Bushart, Nathan Lilly, and Rosemary College. Amanda will send out information and will set up a time to meet. 

  • Employee Training – Amanda is working on the online training modules through Safe Colleges. Currently, all new employees have to take the Title IX training. Amanda is working on setting up new training that will be mandatory for all employees and will include information on the new state laws regarding Title IX. She reported that the Cabinet supports the online training for the fall and will bring in a speaker for mandatory Title IX training for the spring. It was suggested that we utilize the professional development day (for all employees) to share information. Amanda welcomes any suggestions for training. 
o As part of Professional Development Day activities, Rosemary reported that she provided brief information to faculty as part of the “Lunch and Learn” session for faculty and as part of the new faculty orientation. 

  • TAASA Texas Campus Initiative – Jessica represented Lee College at the meeting in Austin hosted by St Edwards. The initiative brings Hispanic Serving Institutions together to discuss issues related to Title IX. She reports that they will be dividing into two working groups--one working with curriculum and one for Title IX issues. The final draft of their report will be out later this month. 

III. New Business
  • Legislative updates - After this past year’s legislative session, there are a number of new laws related to Title IX. Rosemary provided a handout with information on the three new bills:
    • House Bill 449 – requiring institutions to include a notation on a student’s transcript when the student is no longer eligible to re-enroll due to conduct issues (including Title IX) issues.
    • Senate Bill 212 – Texas Mandatory Reporting Law requires all employees to report any type of sexual misconduct with termination required for those employees who fail to report. The law requires a designated confidential employee for students and staff.
    • House Bill 1735 – mandates governing board of each institution adopt a policy on sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking that includes definitions, sanctions, reporting, interim measures, and a statement regarding victim’s rights.
IV. Fall Presentations / Events
There are several events and presentations for the fall semester.
  • Healthy Relationships workshops – There are four workshops scheduled for the fall semester. 
Rosemary has sent out the schedule and will send out reminders before each event. 

  • Fall Fiesta (October 24) – This event will be from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. 

    • Volunteers / Coverage - Rhonda will take the lead for a booth from 10 am – noon and Natalie (The Bridge) will be there from 12 – 2 pm. Other volunteers included Howard (from 1-2 pm) and Amanda who was unsure of her availability at the time of this meeting. Rosemary will be available to help with the set up and to provide information for the table. It was suggested that the social work students might volunteer to count toward their required hours.
    • Information on the booth will be provided by what Rosemary has available, information from the Bridge and Baytown Police Department, and information regarding October as Domestic Violence Awareness month (including the Healthy Relationships workshops).
  • October – Domestic Violence Awareness Month – Several activities were discussed:
o Rosemary will work on some social media posts.
o We will emphasize/highlight the Healthy Relationships workshops
o We discussed having some kind of visual representation to recognize how many women are killed because of domestic violence. There was a discussion that those impacted extend to include others (bystanders) who are killed during the violence and children who are left without a parent. While the statistics mainly focus on women, there are also men killed by domestic violence. Ideas included crosses, light bulbs, ribbons on the trees and empty chairs.
V. Other / Announcements
  • The Bridge now has hired a bilingual advocate to be available to those more comfortable with Spanish 

  • K-leigh reported that the Access Center has contracted with UHCL to start the Connecting to College Program designed to work with students with autism. This would be particularly helpful for this population of students needing education on healthy relationships and Title IX issues. 

  • On October 12, the Bridge is hosting a Purple Paws for a Cause Walk and Festival at the Burke Crenshaw Park Pavilion in Pasadena. The event is a family and pet-friendly festival, awareness walk, and adoption event in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. 

VI. Adjournment / Next Meeting

Our next meeting will be October 17 at 2:30 p.m. 

Respectfully Submitted,

Dr. Rosemary Coffman
Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean
Student Affairs

Amanda Summers
Amanda Summers, Director,
Human Resources
