Campus SaVE Minutes - 2/1/2017

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Campus SaVE Advisory Committee
February 1, 2017

Members Present:

Co-Chair: Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean / Student Affairs
Co-Chair, Amanda Summers, Human Resources Director
Howard Bushart, Chair, applied science
Zane Moseley, Student Activities Secretary
Dr. Laura Lane-Worley, Academic Faculty
K-Leigh Villanueva, Disability Services Counselor
Christopher McClure, Student Affairs Division Secretary
Tyrone Smith, Academic Advisor
Amber Tempel, The Bridge
J.R. Velez, Security Captain
Cynthia Hill, Student
Marti Covington, Public Relations Manager, Marketing and Public Affairs


Jessica Bellant, Education & Prevention Manager, The Bridge
Mike Spletter, Student Activities Director
Susan Smedley, Public Relations Director
Rosetta Mouer, Payroll Specialist
Amanda Stevenson, Benefits Specialist
Jessica Thompson Falla, Advisor
Dr. Donnetta Suchon, Vice President of Student Affairs
Leigh Garcia, Math/Science Division Secretary

Review of Minutes from November 29

Approved as written.

Old Business

Healthy Relationships Workshop – Amber will be leading four sessions of the Healthy Relationships workshop for the spring. We had a great turnout for the fall semester sessions with 123 attendees over the five sessions. Rosemary will send out another reminder prior to the first day, which is February 23.
Prevention Groups – Amber reported on the status of the Prevention Groups on campus. There are new students in phase 2 and she is working with several classes with new groups for the semester.

Behavioral Intervention Team – Rosemary presented an update on the formation of the BIT with several members from the Campus SaVE Committee serving on the Core Team. This interdisciplinary team will work with the campus to review issues with students in order to provide resources and support.

Rights and Options Document – As part of our requirement for Campus SaVE, a Rights and Options document has been created that will be given to students and/or staff once a sexual misconduct report has been made. After recommendations from our last meeting, changes were incorporated into this new document, which was presented to the committee. Rosemary will work with Marketing and Public Affairs to put it in a format that is easier to read.

Sexual Assault Misconduct Committee – No report since our last meeting in November

New Business

Sexual Assault Awareness Month – April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and several members of this committee will be working on events for the month. As we did last year, it was decided that we will focus on one week within the month for the majority of the events with additional activities happening throughout the month.

  • It was decided that April 17th would be the week for the events.
  • A subcommittee will be formed to work on the coordination and planning.
  • The following events were suggested
    • Take Back the Night Event – a march which ends with a candlelight (glow stick) vigil giving survivors a voice
    • Jessica Falla’s Improv presentation
    • Showing of documentary “Audry and Daisy” or “The Hunting Ground” with a T-Shirt Creation workshop following.
    • Use of PAC Gallery for art work celebrating survivors of sexual assault o Clothesline Project display or Survivor Silhouette display
    • Workshop – Alcohol Facilitated Sexual Assault
    • Sex Trafficking Video – “8 Days”
    • Email blasts throughout the month
    • A possible workshop hosted by OHANA
  • We need to make sure all documentaries are captioned

Other Announcements / Open Discussion

Zane reported that Campus Activities Board will be hosting a Valentine’s event on February 14th. While Amber (The Bridge) will not be able to attend that day, she will help get some flyers on Healthy Relationships to have available for the event.

Next Meeting – Our next meeting will be March 8th at 3 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean/Student Affairs
Amanda Summers
Amanda Summers, Director, Human Resources
