Campus SaVE Minutes - 10/4/2016

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Campus SaVE Advisory Committee
October 4, 2016 / Minutes

Members Present:

Co-Chair: Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean/ Student Affairs
Co-Chair: Amanda Summers, Human Resources Director
Howard Bushart, Chair, applied science
Jessica Bellant, Education & Prevention Manager, The Bridge
Mike Spletter, Student Activities Director
Zane Moseley, Student Activities Secretary
Dr. Laura Lane-Worley, Academic Faculty
K-Leigh Villanueva, Disability Services Counselor
J.R. Velez, Security Captain
Leigh Garcia, Math/Science Division Secretary
Marti Covington, Marketing and Public Affairs
Christopher McClure, Student Affairs Division Secretary
Tyrone Smith, Academic Advisor
Amber Tempel, The Bridge


Ruth Francis, Student (Phoenix: Women Rising)
Dr. Donnetta Suchon, VP Student Affairs
Quintten Hawkins, Student (R.E.A.L. organization)
Olivia Rivers, Advocacy and Education Director, The Bridge
Susan Smedley, Marketing and Public Affairs Director
Micah Craft, Student (Phoenix: Women Rising)
Rosetta Mouer, Payroll Specialist
Amanda Stevenson, Benefits Specialist
Jessica Thompson Falla, Advisor

Review of Minutes from May 31

Approved as written.

New Members – The committee welcomed two new members. Tyrone Smith and Christopher McClure are now on the committee and also serving on the investigation subcommittee.

Old Business

Update on Online Reporting Software – Rosemary reported on the implementation of Convercent, the online reporting system purchased in August. While the same vendor as “My Safe Campus” the online reporting system used by other colleges, this system is not tailored to the college setting and Amanda and Rosemary are working at the adjustments for our campus. The link is live and can be found through the website at It was suggested that the link needs to be more predominant on the website so students and staff can easily find it.

Outreach / Education

  • The training with Dr. Baker was from the University of Houston was July 7 th and was well received with a total of 21 people in attendance
  • Laura reported on the video that was completed for the Professional Development Day with the help and expertise of Chris Coats. We discussed adding this to the website.
  • Key tags were given out on Professional Development Day. Rosemary has more in her office if anyone needs to give them out.
  • Rosemary has requested an update to the kNOw MORE flyer to include the website with the link to the online reporting. She shared the proposed changes and no changes were recommended. She also has received a new logo that has both the “know more” logo branded with “Lee College.”
  • The Healthy Relationships workshop has had great attendance with the nursing department requiring it for all their students. There will be three more before the end of the semester.
  • Rosemary reported that information was added to the New Student Orientation presentation for the fall registration students. As part of the process, a question was added to the NSO evaluation that asked the students’ their level of awareness of the impact of sexual misconduct on campus and how to report an incidence. 88.3% of the respondents reported agree or strongly agree to the statement.

Sexual Misconduct Subcommittee – A new subcommittee has been formed that will be involved with sexual misconduct investigations on campus. As outlined by the Sexual Misconduct procedures, the committee consists of two faculty, two clerical staff members, two administrative staff, along with Rosemary and Amanda Summers. The committee has viewed a recorded webinar on the investigation process and plans to meet again. Rosemary and Amanda will work on creating a packet of information for the group to include a checklist. The group will also be reviewing the online reporting system.

Prevention Groups with The Bridge – Amanda and Jessica reported on the progress with creating the prevention groups on campus. The original group from this summer is now in phase two. While only 3 people, they meeting weekly and going into classes to help recruit for more phase 1 students. There is a phase 1 -group as part of the DAAC group class and they are looking for more students. Suggestions were given to the group which includes working with Gregg Lattier to see if they can count for Service Learning and to recruit from the OHANA student organization. Laura will remind her social work students. For the spring, it was suggested that a group time be scheduled immediately after the social work class to make it easy for students to participate.

Website – Rosemary and Amanda will continue to work with Marketing and Public Affairs to make changes to the website. They hope to meet with Susan to check out the possibilities. From today’s meeting, we discussed having the online reporting link on the home page, adding the video that was produced for the Professional Development Day, and having the flyer that was developed for employees (in the Professional Day handouts) available online.

New Business

TACCSAA Conference – Rosemary reported on information that she received from the TACCSAA conference with Steven Healy6, co-founder and managing partner of Margolis Healy, a nationally recognized expert on campus safety, Title IX and the Clery Act. Some of the topics discussed included:

  • Our need to have a Notice of Rights and Options handout available,
  • Identifying and training Campus Security Authorities (should be 20% of our full time employees),
  • Having an MOU with Baytown police and perhaps have a representative on this committee,
  • Using a committee to help with the ASR and Clery Reporting,
  • Appointing deputies under the Title IX Coordinator to help with our legal responsibilities across campus.

Board Policy Changes – Rosemary reported that the Board is voting on changes that include the local policy regarding Title IX. She will try to get a copy of the final approved policy. The procedures will need to be updated based on changes to the policy.

Clery Report – Captain Velez reported that he has completed the Annual Security Report (ASR) Other Information. He has been working with Baytown Police to get the statistics for the surrounding area that was to be reported.

Upcoming Outreach / Education Events

We will have a table at the Fall Fiesta to give out key tags and information on the kNOw MORE campaign. Amber, Rosemary, Laura, Amanda, Howard, and Tyrone committed to helping with the table for the event. We will also try to display the Clothesline Project for that day.

Next Meeting – Our next meeting will be November 29, 2 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean/ Student Affairs
Amanda Summers, Director, Human Resources
