Campus SaVE Minutes - 10/3/2018

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Campus SaVE Advisory Committee —
Oct. 3, 2018

Members Present

  • Co-Chair: Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean/ Student Affairs
  • Co-Chair: Amanda Summers, HR Director
  • Amanda Stevenson, Benefits Specialist
  • Christopher McClure, Student Affairs Division Secretary
  • JR Velez, Security Captain
  • Mike Spletter, Student Activities Director
  • Dr. Laura Lane-Worley, Academic Faculty
  • Jessica Thompson Falla, Advisor
  • K-Leigh Villanueva, Disability Services Counselor
  • Tyrone Smith, Academic Advisor
  • Dr. Donnetta Suchon, VP Student Affairs
  • Gavriel Pippins, Intern Student Affairs


  • Zane Moseley, Student Activities Secretary
  • Rosetta Mouer, Payroll Specialist
  • Howard Bushart, Chair, applied science
  • Susan Smedley, Public Relations Director
  • Marylou Ortuvia, Counselor, Process Technology
  • Rhonda Drew, LSSS instructor
  • Det. Iveleth Hernandez, Baytown Police Department
  • Jessica Bellant, The Bridge
I. Minutes from April 26

Approved as Written
II. Old Business / Summer Subcommittee

A subcommittee of members met three times through the summer.

  • We created a “You Are Not Alone” flyer that will be distributed to all restrooms. The flyers have been printed and we have the plastic covers and two sided tape. The next step would be the posting of flyers around campus.  We are looking for volunteers or students to help with the project.  The part time person in the human resource office can be used and we may find a social work student from Laura’s class to help. 
  • We ordered and have received pens that we can hand out at events.
  • The syllabus template was updated to include a Title IX statement. There was a problem in that the updated information was not available until the summer and some faculty had already used the previous syllabus.  We will continue to encourage faculty to use the updated form.  Also, it was suggested that we get the Title IX information in the distance education faculty handbook.
  • A dedicated email – was established.

III. Old Business / Other

  • MOU Baytown Police Department – Rosemary, Amanda, and Det. Hernandez met on March 29 to discuss a written agreement between Baytown PD and Lee College. A draft was created and was sent on to legal counsel with Baytown PD.  From there, we hope to have it reviewed by our administration and/or legal counsel.  There are no further updates for this meeting.
  • Maxient - The College is now using Maxient, a reporting software, for our Title IX, sexual misconduct reporting. The link is online.  Committee members are encouraged to look at the incidence reporting form (IR) and make suggestions for change.
  • TAASA and the Texas Campus Initiative Bystander Intervention for HSI has no new report.
IV. New Business
  • In terms of membership, we need more student participation. Members will be reaching out to students for participation.  Those interested can contact Rosemary so we can add them to the committee and email list or they can simply show up at our next meeting.
  • The College has approved our membership into ATIXA, an organization for Title IX issues. Rosemary and Amanda will be attending the level I Title IX coordinator training in January.  More information on the organization can be found online at
  • We have been asked to share this site on our site. The committee looked at the site. There were questions about the credibility of the organization.  We will check with Jessica at The Bridge to get her opinion from a Trauma Informed prospective.  The organization is Affordable College and their website is:
V. Presentations / Activities

Rosemary reported that the following presentations / Activities were completed.

  • Title IX 101 Training (July 19) sponsored by Title IX Task Force in Houston led by Dr. Richard Baker (UH) / Rosemary attended.
  • Clery Geography webinar (July 2) – Rosemary and Amanda participated.
  • Professional Development for staff (August) included CSA Training and Faculty Roundtable (Lunch and Learn). It was suggested that we send out an additional email to the CSAs and that Amanda could possibly speak to the Staff Assembly group.
  • Consent Workshop (September 25) led by Jessica Bellant.

The following events are scheduled for the fall semester:

  • Fall Prevention Group – Jessica is leading a group on Wednesday night with seven students participating. The last session is October 3. 
  • Healthy Relationships Presentations – Four presentations were scheduled for the fall 2018 semester. The first session was September 12.  Additional sessions are scheduled for October 18, November 7, and November 13. 
  • Domestic Violence Awareness Month Activities – Natalie Stegall is leading a Domestic Violence 101 workshop on October 4. There are also several Facebook posts that are scheduled throughout the month.   
  • Community Conversation (The Bridge) – led by Jessica Bellant, this is a conversation on DV Advocacy and prevention in the community is scheduled for October 5.
  • Fall Fiesta - The group would like to have a booth at the event. Rosemary will see if the Bridge will be able to have a booth.  If so, we will be at that booth.  If not, we will share a booth with the drug free campus group.  A signup sheet was passed around for members to volunteer to sit at the booth.  An email invite will go out to the entire committee for additional volunteers.   The event will be from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

VI. Other Announcements / Open Discussion

It was suggested that we have a list of workshops that would be available for different classes.  This can include Title IX 101, Healthy Relationships, Consent, etc.  We could advertise this to faculty as a resource for presentations.

Next Meeting

Our next meeting will be Wednesday, November 7 at 2:00 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dr. Rosemary Coffman
Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean
Student Affairs

Amanda Summers
Amanda Summers, Director,
Human Resources
