Campus SaVE Minutes - 10/17/2019

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Campus SaVE Advisory Committee —
Oct. 17, 2019

Members Present

  • Co-Chair: Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean/ Student Affairs
  • Mike Spletter, Student Activities Director
  • K-leigh Villanueva, Counselor, Access Center
  • Tammy Holloway, Interim Security Captain
  • Natalie Stigall, The Bridge Over Troubled Waters
  • Victoria Mendez, The Bridge Over Troubled Waters
  • Rhonda Drew, Faculty
  • Laura Lane Worley, Faculty
  • Christopher McClure, Student Affairs

Minutes from September 12

Approved as Written

Old Business

  • Website review – No Report
  • Employee Training – No Report
  • Legislation Updates
    • Title IX information for first time transfer students – In the past, we have provided all first time in college students information on Title IX which includes how to report and other information. New state legislation requires that we also provide this information to all first time transfer students.  This will be done through an online class through SafeColleges.  Rosemary has been working in the set up and making sure we have a process to obtain names. We will do a test run in the fall with plans to have it set up officially in the spring as a mandate for this group.
    • Trauma Informed Care Training for Security – Rosemary is developing a PowerPoint presentation for security. Natalie will check with their advocacy manager to see if there are additional resources or support based on the training that they do with law enforcement.   The new state law requires certified peace officers to have this training. While our security are not certified peace officers, we are going to provide the training.
    • Confidential Employee Designations – Also a new state rule, we have identified three individuals who will serve as confidential employees. The law is clear that all employees are mandatory reporters and these individuals will be included in publications to give students and staff an option to speak to someone in confidence.  The three identified individuals are Kassandra Flores, Rhonda Drew, and Tyrone Smith.  They will be meeting with Rosemary and Amanda next week to start training.
New Business
  • No new business
Fall Presentations / Events

There are several events and presentations for the fall semester

  • Healthy Relationships workshops – With the September workshop canceled due to weather, we had our first Healthy Relationships workshop offered today and led by Victoria from the Bridge. There were approximately 15 students in attendance which included a LSSS class. We have two more sessions scheduled in November.  Rosemary is working with the Bridge for a requested session for the Anime Club.  This has tentatively been set for October 30. 
  • Fall Fiesta (October 24) – This event will be from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
    • Volunteers / Coverage - Rhonda will take the lead for a booth from 10 am – noon and Natalie (The Bridge) will be there from 12 – 2 pm. Rosemary will be available to help with the set up and to provide information for the table.   Laura will let her social work students know of the volunteer hour opportunity.   
  • Domestic Violence Awareness Month (Lee College)
    • As part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we will be setting up a display to honor women who were killed by intimate partners in Texas in 2017. In order for the display to be there for Fall Fiesta, we will be setting it up on Tuesday next to the Gazebo.  Natalie shared the recently released statistics for 2018 which now includes males and same sex partners that were killed due to intimate partner violence.  The incidence for women increased from 137 to 174 individuals, marking the highest number of women killed in the last decade.  Including men and same sex partners, the total deaths were 211.
    • The art students have committed to providing sidewalk chalk art that week as well.
    • We have had some Facebook posts (one general and one for the Healthy Relationships workshop) out this month.
Other / Announcements
  • We welcomed two new members to the committee. Victoria Mendez is the new bilingual education advocate at the Bridge and will be helping with the Healthy Relationships workshops on campus. Tammy Holloway is the interim security chief at Lee College. 
  • K-leigh reported that the Access Center has contracted with UHCL to start the Connecting to College Program designed to work with students with autism. We hope to have some workshops or classes for this population regarding sexual misconduct / healthy relationships.   
  • The Bridge is having additional training this month for DVAM happening at their Pasadena office.
    • Natalie shared flyers for “Safe Salons and Shops,” a workshop for hair stylists, barbers and cosmetologist to offer support to clients experiencing domestic violence.  Rosemary will share the information with our cosmetology instructors and students.
    • They are also sponsoring a “Coffee and Cops” workshop for law enforcement in working with those reporting domestic or intimate partner violence.

Adjournment / Next Meeting

Our next meeting  date is to be determined.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dr. Rosemary Coffman
Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean
Student Affairs

Amanda Summers
Amanda Summers, Director,
Human Resources
