Campus SaVE Minutes - 11/7/2018

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Campus SaVE Advisory Committee —
Nov. 7, 2018

Members Present:

  • Co-Chair: Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean/ Student Affairs
  • Co-Chair: Amanda Summers, HR Director
  • Howard Bushart, Chair, applied science
  • Zane Moseley, Student Activities Secretary
  • Christopher McClure, Student Affairs Division Secretary
  • Natalie Stigall, The Bridge Over Troubled Waters
  • Mike Spletter, Student Activities Director
  • Dr. Laura Lane-Worley, Academic Faculty
  • Jessica Thompson Falla, HSI
  • Tyrone Smith, Academic Advisor
  • Gavriel Pippins, Intern Student Affairs
  • Ivonne Vega, student
  • Kassandra Flores, Advisor


  • Rosetta Mouer, Payroll Specialist
  • Susan Smedley, Public Relations Director
  • Marylou Ortuvia, Counselor, Process Technology
  • Rhonda Drew, LSSS instructor
  • Det. Iveleth Hernandez, Baytown Police Department
  • Jessica Bellant, The Bridge
  • Amanda Stevenson, Benefits Specialist
  • JR Velez, Security Captain
  • Mike Spletter, Student Activities Director
  • K-Leigh Villanueva, Disability Services Counselor
  • Dr. Donnetta Suchon, VP Student Affairs 
Minutes from October 3 – Approved as Written

Old Business
  • Update on Maxient – We have implemented Maxient software for Title IX cases and have utilized it for one case. We hope to integrate past cases into the system this year.
  • “You Are Not Alone” flyer distribution – the flyers have been put into their plastic sleeve and we are ready to get them distributed across campus in all restrooms. Laura will see if their student assistant for the Social Behavioral Sciences can help. Amanda’s part time person in the Human Resource Office is also available.  We can use the male student assistants in Rosemary’s office to help with the men’s restrooms.
  • MOU Baytown Police Department – no report
  • TAASA and the Texas Campus Initiative Bystander Intervention group will be meeting in December which would either be in person (Austin?) or by videoconference. In the past, these have been attended by Jessica B, Amber, and Jessica F. Natalie will check with Jessica B (on maternity leave) for her preference. 
  • Review of website Https:// 
    • This is a site that we discussed at our last meeting. As recommended, the link was forwarded to Jessica Bellant to review in terms of appropriateness (Trauma informed approach, survivor focus).  Based on her review, she stated that the site had good resources; however, in the Safety Precaution section, it reinforced the myth that most rapists are strangers and/or you are responsible for protecting yourself against rape.  The group decided not to include the link.
    • It was suggested that we may perhaps add (and reference) parts of the website as an update and resource to our current site. Gavriel will review the site and make recommendations. We continued the discussion on how to balance the information on protecting yourself and educating the campus and the community on prevention and sexual assault with family/acquaintances (not just stranger rape which is statistically much less common).
  • Presentations / Activities

Rosemary reported that the following presentations / Activities were completed since our last meeting (October 3, 2018)

  • Domestic Violence Awareness Month Activities (as part of the Mental Health Awareness Month)
    • Facebook Posts – four different posts throughout the month
    • Domestic Violence 101 workshop was held on October 4 and led by Natalie (The Bridge).
  • Community Conversation (The Bridge) – a conversation on DV Advocacy and prevention in the community was held on October 5 in Pasadena. Jessica F and Rosemary attended from Lee College.
  • A Healthy Relationships Workshop happened on October 18 with 11 participants.
  • Sexual Violence and PTSD: Handling Triggers was a workshop led by Heather Dunn, the director of counseling at the Bridge. The event was on October 30 with 12 participants.   
  • Fall Fiesta happened on October 25. Gavriel helped with the Campus SaVE table. Zane reported that there were about 250 people in attendance.  The event was indoors this year due to weather.
  • The Bridge Open House was held on October 30. Rosemary and Bryan Kelly were in attendance from Lee College.   
  • Jessica B. completed the fall Prevention group with 7 participants. Many of the participants did not compete the entire 8 hours.  Natalie will check with Jessica B to see if we will be looking for another group for the spring semester.

These events are coming up prior to the end of the semester:

  • Healthy Relationships – November 7 (6 p.m.) and November 13 (2 p.m.)
  • There are two workshops that will address the power of words and social media
    • #TriggerWarnings (title may change) – Kassandra, Natalie, and Jessica F is planning this event on November 27 at 6 p.m. in the game room of the Student Center. A Spike Lee Joint will perform with a panel discussion afterwards. We will be inviting several faculty to be part of the panel
    • The Power of Words Forum will be a workshop/discussion on the power and responsibility of the written, spoken, and tweeted work in our society. This will take place on November 28 at 1:30 p.m. at The Bridge in Pasadena.  Those interested in attending should RSVP to Natalie at
Other Announcements / Open Discussion
  • Women’s History Month is March and the opening event is tentatively scheduled for March 6. There will be a discussion of #MeToo featuring Jessica and an all female Improv group and clips from the Anita Hill and Dr. Ford testimonies.
  • At our next meeting, we discussed collecting gifts or money for the Bridge. Natalie suggests that we focus on the older children and moms in the shelter.  Zane may also be able to help with getting names on the Angel Tree and will work with Natalie.

Next Meeting – Our next meeting will be Wednesday, December 5 at 2:00 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dr. Rosemary Coffman
Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean
Student Affairs

Amanda Summers
Amanda Summers, Director,
Human Resources
