Campus SaVE Minutes - 11/1/2017

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Campus SaVE Advisory Committee
Nov. 1, 2017


Co-Chair: Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean / Student Affairs
Co-Chair: Amanda Summers, HR Director
Amanda Stevenson, Benefits Specialist
Tyrone Smith, Academic Advisor
Amber Tempel, The Bridge
Howard Bushart, Chair, applied science
Cynthia Hill, Student
Jessica Bellant, The Bridge
Mike Spletter, Student Activities Director
Dr. Laura Lane-Worley, Academic Faculty
Katrina Campbell, Student
Marti Covington, Marketing and Public Affairs
Ruth Francis, Student
Erika Castillo, Student


J.R. Velez, Security Captain
K-Leigh Villanueva, Disability Services Counselor
Christopher McClure, Student Affairs Division Secretary
Zane Moseley, Student Activities Secretary
Susan Smedley, Public Relations Director
Rosetta Mourer, Payroll Specialist
Dr. Donnetta Suchon, VP Student Affairs
Jessica Thompson Falla, Advisor
Brian Kelly, Student

Minutes from October 4 – Approved as Written

I. Old Business

MOU Baytown Police Department – We have contacted the Baytown Police Department in an effort to get a representative from the Baytown Police Department to serve on the Advisory Committee and work with the College to create a MOU.

Clery Collaborative – This year, the College has a membership with the Clery Center. As such, we have access to resources and training through their website. Members of the committee should have received an email around July that would give them information on how to log into the system. If you want access and do not have that information, email Rosemary and she will help get your login information. The website for the Clery Center is

CSA / Notification and Training – Rosemary and Amanda have been working on identifying the Campus Security Authorities on campus. An email will be sent to them to give them information on their role as a CSA and each will be asked to complete the CSA training through Safe Colleges. We will also look at resources for them through Clery Collaborative. Committee Membership – The committee welcomes several new members including Erika Castillo (student) and Ruth Francis (student). Keith Coleman, the athletic director has agreed to serve, but was unable to attend due to his class schedule today.

II. New Business

Safe Colleges – To educate the campus regarding Title IX and Campus SaVE, all full time and part time employees will be required to complete three short modules through Safe Colleges by the end of the fall semester. Employees will be sent an email with login information. Committee members were encouraged to promote the activity as a means to help our campus be proactive to identifying and ending sexual misconduct.

Marketing Goals – In an effort to continue reaching staff and students, the committee brainstormed ideas for consideration. These included:

  • Social Media – students are more likely to look at social media rather than the website.
  • More presentations on campus – use the website to promote and request Title IX / Campus SaVE In classrooms or for groups on campus. This can include general information on Title IX or Healthy Relationships workshop.
  • Reach out to LSSS or EDUC1200 (freshman experience) classes for presentations
  • Athletics – discussion with Keith Coleman on how to keep the conversation going with the athletic teams.
  • Division Chair meetings – meet with division chairs to be able to push it out to faculty. There is a need to make sure we reach out to the technical students.
  • For Industrial students, make sure students get information on sexual harassment in the workplace prior to graduation. These areas are male dominated in the workplace. Perhaps go through student employment office.
  • Professional Development – Have a table at the Lunch and Learn (if that is offered again in future professional development days),
  • As part of a Blackboard, all students have a module automatically uploaded into their classes. In addition to academic integrity and resources on campus, it would also have Title IX information (recognizing and reporting sexual misconduct). This needs to be mandated from administration so that the module is not deleted from the students’ Blackboard page by the instructor.
  • New Student Orientation – making it more prominent, relevant to students. The NSO will be re-evaluated this spring for changes in the fall. We need to have a voice in that process.
  • Have someone speak at faculty assembly regarding Title IX/Campus SaVE.

III. Outreach Activities

October DVAM Report – Amber reported on the activities and attendance of activities around Domestic Violence Awareness Month. In addition to the activities on campus, there was a Lee College presence at the Millennial Walk sponsored by the Bridge. Appreciation went out to Student Activities (Mike and Zane) for providing the “Love Shouldn’t Hurt” banner that is on display in the Student Center. It was recommended that this be part of the On-Point newsletter to faculty. The banner will remain in the lobby of the Student Center through November.

Table Cover – We still need to decide on the graphics and tag line for a table cover for activities on campus. We discussed needing a more positive statement. Instead of “eliminating sexual violence”, we want a positive message.

Other Announcements / Open Discussion

The video created for the spring 2017 professional development day has been added to the kNOw More website.

Laura is working on reviewing policies on campus. We need to make sure we keep online students and distance education in mind when writing policy regarding sexual misconduct. Jessica Thompson Falla, Jessica Bellant, and Amber Tempel are working with a partnership with TASSA on creating culturally competent programming. It was decided to focus on Bystander Interventions for Hispanic Serving Institutions. The committee was given a copy of the press release that went out from TASSA.

It was announced that Rosemary will be added as a second Title IX Coordinator for the College. She will work with students and Amanda will continue to work with employees.

IV. Next Meeting – Our next meeting will be the third week of January, 2018, with the date and time to be announced.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dr. Rosemary Coffman
Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean Student Affairs
Amanda Summers
Amanda Summers, Director, Human Resources
