Campus SaVE Minutes - 5/1/2019

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Campus SaVE Advisory Committee —
May 1, 2019

Members Present

  • Co-Chair: Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean / Student Affairs
  • Co-Chair: Amanda Summers, HR Director
  • Howard Bushart, Chair, applied science
  • Zane Moseley, Student Activities Secretary
  • Mike Spletter, Student Activities Director
  • Gavriel Pipins, Intern, Student Affairs
  • Christopher McClure, Secretary (Student Affairs)
  • JR Velez, Security Captain
  • Jessica Falla, Title V

Minutes from February 28

Approved as Written with minor corrections

Old Business

  • Website review – No report.  It was noted that with the creation of the new website, this will be on hold.   
  • Employee Training – Amanda address the topic with suggestions for possible training for faculty and staff.
    • We would like to continue to put more information on the website and to review possible options through Atixa.
    • It was suggested to look at the NaBITA membership to see if there could be training since the College is purchasing the higher level membership.
    • Christopher suggested to use the assemblies for training. Perhaps the Bridge could come and do a shortened version of the Healthy Relationships workshop or cyberstalking and social media (one that was done for the counseling /advising center).
    • We need to make sure the faculty and staff are aware that they are welcome to all workshops / activities and that they are not only for students.
  • Sexual Assault Awareness Month Report – A subcommittee met and helped organize a very successful SAAM which included Sidewalk Chart (with the help of the art department), Clothesline Project, Take Back the Night, Denim Day, Showing of the Hunting Ground, Creation of T-shirts for the Clothesline Project, and a Healthy Relationships workshop. We also sent out emails and social media posts. Rosemary presented a PowerPoint with a review of activities. The following feedback was discussed.
    • For TBTN,
      • Can we move it later in the evening and actually do the activity after dark?
      • Suggested that we have it be more of a community event, with the possibility of being more visible such as starting in the Park and walking down Lee Drive.
      • Could we set up the start of the event in Lot 4 with vendors and use that as a starting point for the walk?
    • Denim Day – We gave out over 50 denim patches in the student center on Denim Day. Students could decorate their own or pick out one from the ones that were being decorated.
    • Clothesline Project - The display in the Advising / Counseling Area was well received. We agreed to leave the display up through the summer, with the high traffic of registration.
  • Spring Workshops
    • The attendance for the workshops have been very low. We discussed reducing the number of sessions and perhaps pushing more for speakers in the classrooms. For the Healthy Relationships, we had five sessions in the spring and the attendance ranged from 0 to 4.   The Bridge did do the Healthy Relationships workshop Rhonda Drew’s LSSS 300 classes (IMPACT students).
    • The Hunting Ground had 5 people in attendance.
    • Jessica F. stated that she is utilizing the peer mentors in 5 – 6 sessions of LSSS in the fall and that it may be an opportunity for Campus SaVE information. She also stated that she has a more direct connection from a curriculum standpoint.
  • Other Activities – In addition to the workshops and the SAAM activities, we hosted a booth at both the Health Fair (March 26) and Spring Fling (April 3).
New Business / Presentations / Activities

No New Business was discussed

Announcements / Other / Next Meeting

Jessica will be attending the TAASA meeting in May

Next Meeting –Our next meeting will be announced at a later date.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dr. Rosemary Coffman
Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean
Student Affairs

Amanda Summers
Amanda Summers, Director,
Human Resources
