AOD: 9-11-2024

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Drug Free Campus Committee — Sept. 11, 2024

Members Present

  • Rosemary Coffman, Executive Director, Student Success & Wellbeing, LC, Student Success and Belonging
  • Giovanna Corona, Administrative Assistant, Student, LC, Student Success and Belonging
  • Cynthia Barrios, HR Director, LC, Human Resources
  • Amber Carter, Southeast Coalition, BACODA
  • Jennifer Van Antwerp, Intern, UHCL, School of Social Work
  • Jordan Smith, Program Manager, LC, Workforce & Community Development
  • Sterling LaBoo, Suicide Prevention , LC, SAMHSA Suicide Prevention Grant
  • Tiffany Winchester, Coordinator, Veterans Center, LC, Student Success and Belonging
  • Zola Montana, Assistant Chief, LC, Security
  • Reanna DeGeorge, Faculty, LC, Addiction Counseling
  • Linda Torrez Mann, Mental Health Therapist, LC, Student Success & Belonging

Review of Membership and Purpose of the Committee

This committee consists of college employees, students, and community partners. The purpose of the group is to provide education and support to the campus regarding our Drug Free Campus policy and statement and to provide oversight of the goals and activities for the Biennial review.

Completed Events (since last meeting)

The committee reviewed events since our last meeting in February, 2024. This included tabling events (Spring Fling and the Health Fair); the participation in the Eliminate Tobacco Use Summit which included five staff and students; training of staff in motivational interviewing; and the Summer Bash event.

Ongoing Prevention, Education, and Support

  • Naloxone (Narcan) Dispensers — We now have 15 Narcan dispensers on campus thanks to the support from BACODA. In support of the dispensers, we hosted a workshop on Fentanyl on April 30 with more than 70 participants. There is also a dedicated website with more information on the use of Narcan (
  • New Student Orientation — Information on our Drug Free Campus Initiatives is now included for all first time to Lee College students through the New Student Orientation. This also includes information on Fentanyl (One Pill Kills).
  • SAMHSA Suicide Prevention Grant — Starting in the Fall 2022 semester, the SAMHSA Garrett Lee Smith Campus Suicide Prevention Grant has provided additional resources to our campus including support for alcohol and other drug screenings and referrals. It was through this funding that several employees participated in Motivational Interviewing training.
  • Be Well Baytown Tobacco Initiative — While funding has ended for the project, education and information for cessation will continue.
  • The committee was provided a copy of the published article that outlined our tobacco project in partnership with Be Well Baytown. The results of the spring 2024 tobacco survey were also shared.
  • We will continue to support our tobacco-free campus through the Peers Against Tobacco, our student group which provides funding and resources and is recognized as a campus organization.
  • The Texas Quit Line has proven the most successful means of providing support with 16 referrals this past year from individuals referred at tabling events.

Fall 2024 Upcoming Activities — We discussed planned events for the fall semester which include the following.

  • Tabling Events are planned for Fall Fiesta and Wellness Wednesday.
  • Lee College will be hosting a Fentanyl Community Conversation on October 10. Other partners include BACODA, the City of Baytown, and GCCISD. A copy of the flyer was made available to the committee.

Biennial Review — The committee was provided information on the College’s requirements for the Biennial Review, a mandatory report with two main objectives: 1) to determine the effectiveness of the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Prevention Program and 2) to ensure that the campus enforces the disciplinary sanctions for any violations.  The Biennial Review also must show proof of the notification to all staff and students.  The next steps include the following.

  • This committee will provide support in reviewing the recommendations from the last Biennial Review and if the College sufficiently addressed the recommendations. We will determine new recommendations for the next biennium. We will also need to provide a review of our program to find what areas are in favorable compliance (strengths) and what areas are areas of concern.
  • In discussing recommendations, it was suggested that we look at how we may can provide self-assessments for students and staff regarding their use of alcohol and other drugs. Perhaps with an online assessment or app, students can complete an assessment with information on the what their score indicates and support resources if needed.
  • A subcommittee will be identified to help with the Biennial Review. The final draft will be brought to the whole committee for feedback. The goal is to have it completed by November. 1.

Adjournment — The committee adjourned. The next meeting will be determined based on the completion of the Biennial Review draft.

Respectfully Submitted,
Rosemary Coffman, Executive Director, Student Success and Wellbeing
