AOD: 5-2-2018

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Drug Free Campus Committee — May 2, 2018

Members Present:
Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean
Mike Spletter, Student Activities Director
Daniel Cameron, Student
J.R. Velez, Security Captain
Amanda Summers, Human Resources Director

Paige Sorge, Assistant Volleyball Coach
Samantha Balderas, Generation RX
Amber Buras, Bay Area Council on Drugs and Alcohol
Zane Moseley, Student Activities
Ehab Mustafa, Veterans Center
Howard Bushart, Allied Health Chair / Instructor
Marcus King, Assistant Basketball Coach
Steve Dorris, Baytown Police Department
Valerie Lee, LSSS/EDUC1200 Instructor

Review of Minutes from April 4
The minutes were approved as written.

Old Business

  • Rosemary reported that we had our second Mental Health First Aid training in April with 24 participants. The next session will be June 21 – 22. We already have about 12 who have confirmed to attend.
  • The Town Hall on Prescription Drugs was held on April 18. We had about 85 people in attendance. The presenters did a great job and there was good questions and participation from the audience. It was suggested that we should have more community people. Perhaps next time, there can be more personal outreach to specific groups. The Prevention Resource Center had an evaluation, but we have not received the overall results.
  • Rosemary provided copies of Generation RX flyers. It was suggested that we see if we can co-brand and have them available around campus. It was suggested that the flyer on stimulant use by college students would be good to have during finals.

New Business

  • For the Texas 21 Project, we have submitted the paperwork to be a Education Resource Partner. This is a statewide coalition with the goal of raising the legal age for the purchase of cigarettes to 21.
  • Summer Bash – A tentative date of June 27th has been set for the Summer Bash. The planning committee will meet in May, prior to Howard’s departure to start the conversations and to make decisions on the overall structure of the event.
    • Based on the feedback, the community partners will be indoors. We will limit the booths to around 12 for the event.
    • We discussed having either a caricature artist or a photo booth. Since Mike was prepared to pay for two caricature artists, one option would be to have one caricature artists and the photo booth.
    • We will need Amber’s contacts for the pedal cars and UTMB simulator

Other Events / Announcements

  • The Take Back day was April 26th. Rosemary sent out the flyer to all faculty, staff, and students for the event. WE have a large poster (courtesy of DEA) that is now in Rundell Hall. We would like to have information on the permanent drop box next to the flyer.

Next Meeting
Our next meeting will be May 9 at 2:00 p.m. This will be for the subcommittee planning the summer bash, but all are welcome.

Respectfully Submitted,
Rosemary Coffman, PhD, CRC, LCDC
Associate Dean of Student Affairs
