AOD: 9-5-2019

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Drug Free Campus Committee - Sept. 5, 2019

Members Present

  • Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean, Student Affairs, Student Affairs
  • Howard Bushart, Allied Health Chair (Faculty), Faculty
  • Mike Spletter, Director, Student Activities, Student Activities
  • Nathan Lilly, Student, Student Affairs
  • Amber Carter, BACODA

Review of Minutes from May 8, 2019

Approved as written.

Old Business

  • Core Survey Update – We plan on sending out the Core survey to all students in October for two weeks which can be extended if the response rate is low.
    • In terms of budget, we have funding through TST to pay for the survey and incentives. We have an additional $500 from MDA (Tobacco Project) to offset the cost of the survey and an additional $1500 for incentives. The cost of the survey will be approximately $1000. Rosemary is waiting for the invoice
    • Rosemary shared the sample email invite, a copy of the survey, the additional questions on tobacco use (approve by MD Anderson for the Tobacco Project), and the sample fillable back page which will be used for those entering into a drawing for incentives.
    • The group discussed incentives. We are recommending a drawing for one $200 gift card; 2 $100 gift cards, and 3-4 $50 gift cards.  WE also suggested $10 fast food cards and we can use incentives from BACODA (ear buds, sunglasses, backpacks, etc).
    • To publicize the survey, recommendations included postcards, posting it on instructor’s blackboard page (or the library’s page which is open to all students), posters, social media and emails. We also can go out to classes.  We want to make sure the open time for the survey includes Fall Fiesta (October 24).  At that time, we may have special incentives for all those that complete it on that day.
  • Tobacco Project – The final contract for the tobacco project has been signed and goes into effect this semester.
    • This is a three-year project (through spring 2022). This committee serves as the oversight campus committee for the project which includes education, providing the campus with cessation resources (for tobacco users), and increase the compliance of our smoke free policy.
    • One of the components of the project is the development of the Peers Against Tobacco (PAT) student organization. Nathan reported that they had their first meeting this week. There were 8 students in attendance and Vanessa Ayala will serve as the faculty advisor.  The majority of the students are from the prevention classes which she teaches.  They will meet in two weeks.  After that, paperwork will be submitted to Mike for them to start the process of being a recognized Lee College student organization.  They will also need to apply to be recognized with the PAT organization through UT.  We will be the first community college with a PAT student group    
  • Summer Bash Report – Rosemary presented the final report of the summer bash from June. After reviewing the comments, the following recommendations were made:
    • Continue to use the incentives for those completing the evaluation
    • Change the date to the end of the spring semester rather than summer. The date of April 30 was suggested which would be the last week prior to finals.
      • We will send a quick survey to the community partners to see if that would be preferable.
      • We would possibly be able to move it outdoors which may help with the attendance.

New Business

  • Update to Drug Free Statement – Every year, UT does an evaluation of tobacco/drug policies for public colleges and universities. Last year, we received a lower score because we did not have a statement that we would not accept funding from drug/alcohol sponsors. Mike reported that Wismer Distribution sponsors the sportsmanship award each year for our athletics department. We also did not know if there were any sponsors for the foundation gala.  Rosemary will work on getting more information on these issues and sample wording from other policies. 
  • Committee membership – We need to look at inviting others for representation for the committee. Suggestions included Sgt Conner (security), PAT students, Tiffany Winchester (Veterans Center), Marketing, Zane or someone from advising and counseling. We have always invited someone from athletics but have not had participation. Chris McClure is on the committee with an interest in working on the Tobacco Project.

Other Events / Announcements

  • Our next Mental Health First Aid Training is scheduled for October 24 – 25. Howard will invite his adjunct instructors.

Next Meeting

The next meeting for the committee will be September 24 at 2 p.m. The focus of this meeting will be the Core Survey.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rosemary Coffman, PhD, CRC, LCDC

Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean of Student Affairs
