AOD: 10-25-2023

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Drug Free Campus Committee — Oct. 25, 2023

Members Present

  • Dr. Rosemary Coffman Executive Director, Student Success and Wellbeing; LC, Student Success and Belonging
  • Mike Spletter; Management, Student Engagement; LC, Student Success and Belonging
  • Dani Hamilton; Be Well Baytown Assistant; LC, Student Success and Belonging
  • Mayra Aquino; Be Well Baytown; MD Anderson
  • Mike Flores; Life Recovery Services; BACODA
  • Reanna DeGeorge; Faculty; LC, Addictions Counseling
  • Aleira Lopez Garcia; Student; LC, Addictions Counseling
  • Tiffany Winchester; Coordinator, Veterans Center; LC, Student Success and Belonging

Review of Membership and Purpose of the Committee

This committee consists of college employees, students, and community partners. The purpose of the group is to provide education and support to the campus regarding our Drug-Free Campus policy and statement and to provide oversight of the goals and activities for the Biennial review, due each even year.

Review of Biennial Report

We reviewed the Biennial Review recommendations or goals that will be included in the fall 2024 report. These include the following:

  • Investigate to determine the best way to include Workforce Education (non-credit) students with the dissemination of the Drug Free Statement.
    • Marsha reminded us that all workforce or cross-credit students now have access to the myLC email and will receive notices sent to all users. They are encouraged to check their email as their primary communication.
  • With our community partnerships and initiatives, much support has been provided to our Tobacco-free campus policy. With lessons learned in the promotion of tobacco education and cessation, more focus is needed for the support and activities on education and resources for alcohol and other drugs.
  • Investigate the tools and resources available to students and part-time employees through TimelyCare and market these resources to those eligible for this service.

BACODA’s Life Recovery Services

Mike Flores, LCDC, provided information on services provided through this United Way funded project.  Individuals within specific zip codes have access to a free screening and up to 5 free counseling sessions for a substance use disorder.  For those not living within this ZIP code, there is a sliding fee charged.  While in person assessments are preferred, he will work with students by Zoom and we can also provide space on campus for assessments if requested. For more information, you can reach out to him directly at  

Tobacco Education / Cessation Updates

We continue to work with our community partners to include MD Anderson (Be Well Baytown) and BACODA. This includes campus messaging such as signage; promoting the Tobacco 101 online module for students ( and the dedicated website that leads directly to cessation resources (

  • Upcoming events — The following are upcoming events related to tobacco education and cessation
    • Fall Fiesta — The Peers Against Tobacco student group will have tobacco education information and information about our tobacco-free campus policy. We will also include information on our drug free campus statement and the One Pill Kills (fentanyl) information.
    • The Truth About Tobacco and Vaping — This will be a one-hour presentation through MD Anderson on Nov. 16 at 2 p.m. in the Covestro Conference Room in the Student Center. The Peers Against Tobacco Group will sponsor a reception with refreshments at 1:30 p.m., before the event.
  • Student Engagement — Our Peers Against Tobacco (PAT) continues to be an active student group on campus. Lee College is one of about 16 colleges with group on campus providing a tobacco and nicotine prevention program. With this group, we have IMPACT (dual credit) students involved with support from Say What!, similar to PAT, but for 6th–12th-grade students.
    • Heaven Jones, our PAT president has been chosen as a Teen Ambassador for the Say What! state program.
    • Priscilla Guerra provided presentations to two GCCISD schools as part of Red Ribbon Week — working with junior high and high school students.  
  • Cessation Resources — The college continues to provide several cessation resources to students, staff, and the community.
    • After several unsuccessful attempts of a Freedom From Smoking class through workforce education, we have moved to supporting virtual training with Freedom From Smoking Plus vouchers. Through funding from Be Well Baytown, we have vouchers (worth $100) for individuals who are ready to quit. Anyone interested can be referred to Rosemary for more information.
    • We are also providing referrals through the Texas Quitline. Our Peers Against Tobacco group will be hosting a presentation / training on using the app to refer those ready to quit. This will be on Nov. 7 at 4 p.m. in RH107-C.  

Garrett Lee Smith Campus Suicide Prevention Grant

Lee College has been approved for this Suicide Prevention Grant through SAMHSA. As with many SAMHSA grants, it includes assessment and referral for substance use disorders. Our Project Director, Sterling LaBoo starts Nov. 1. Activities will include an expansion of our Mental Health First Aid Training, QPR (Question, Persuade, and Refer) training, a NAMI On Campus student organization, and training in motivational interviewing.

Announcements / Adjournment

  • The DEA's Drug Take-Back is Oct. 28. Rosemary will try to get a flyer to provide to the campus. The Walgreen's in Baytown is a permanent disposal location.
  • Next campus meeting — TBD

Respectfully Submitted,
Rosemary Coffman, PhD, CRC, LCDC
Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean of Student Affairs
