AOD: 8-5-2020

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Drug Free Campus Committee — Aug. 5, 2020

Members Present

  • Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean (Chair), Student Affairs
  • Mike Spletter, Director, Student Activities, Student Activities
  • Elizabeth Caballero, Be Well Baytown (by phone), MD Anderson
  • Nathan Lilly, Be Well Baytown/Lee College, Student Affairs
  • Howard Bushart Chair, Allied Health, Academics
  • Christopher Bailey, Assistant Chief, Security
  • Chris McClure, Administrative Assistant, Student Affairs
  • Amanda Summers, HR Director, Human Resource Office
  • Tiffany Winchester, Veterans Center Coordinator, Student Affairs

Review of Minutes from June 24 — Approved as written.

  • Tobacco Summit — (July 16 – 17) — Several students and staff attended the End Tobacco Use Summit which was hosted through MD Anderson. This year, it was a virtual meeting. Several of those attended spoke about the take-away. In particular, good information was presented on compliance and enforcement of our Tobacco Free Policy.
  • Biennial Report — This report is due by the end of this month. A draft copy of the document was sent out earlier in the week and the group reviewed the section on Strengths and Weaknesses, the goals from last year and what goals we want to implement for the next biennial. Rosemary will send out the final version in the next few weeks with updates based on our discussion at this meeting.
    • Changes for the document include the need to assure specific community representation on the committee. IN particular, Baytown Police Department and a health care provider. With the Peers Against Tobacco Group, we should have representation from students.
  • Core Survey — With the completion of the Core Survey, we discussed the need to present this information to others and to look at how we are going to use the information for initiatives and programming.
    • With the help from BACODA (funding), we have created two infographics. One for tobacco and one for alcohol
    • The information on the awareness of the campus' tobacco free policy will be used as a baseline for the tobacco project.
    • It was suggested we share the information with the Board of Regents.
  • Town Hall — The group is still interested in partnering with Vanessa and Amber (BACODA) on a virtual town hall regarding electronic cigarettes. Since they were unable to attend today, we will follow up for our next meeting. If a panel is used, it was suggested that a student from our Peers Against Tobacco group participate.
  • Peers Against Tobacco Update — Several members attended the Tobacco Summit as well as the ? with BACODA. Rosemary reports that the materials for the procrati-vape lounge have arrived.

Tobacco Free Campus / Awareness and Compliance

  • There was a suggestion that we add tobacco to our policy statement to indicate the inclusion of tobacco within this broad statement. It was suggested that we change from "Alcohol/Drug Abuse and Prevention Statement" to "Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Prevention and Policy Statement."
  • We discussed the need to move forward with more specific strategies of enforcement and compliance of our tobacco free policy. Suggestions include:
    • Work with security to document those incidences in which students and staff are out of compliance with a more formal warning. This would allow us to have better statistics on how often the policy is violated and gives us opportunity to share cessation resources with them.
    • For repeat offenders, we could have more of a sanction.

Announcements / Discussion

  • No other announcements or discussion was brought forward.

Next Meeting

The group will like to meet in late September or early October. As a group, we want to continue to meet by Zoom through the fall.

Respectfully Submitted,
Rosemary Coffman, PhD, CRC, LCDC
Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean of Student Affairs                             
