AOD: 3-31-2021

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Drug Free Campus Committee — March 31, 2021

Members Present

  • Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean, Student Affairs, Student Affairs
  • Mike Spletter, Director, Student Activities, Student Activities
  • Lynn Leblanc, Student, Prevention / DAAC, Lee College Student
  • Amber Carter, BACODA (by phone), Harris County Coalition
  • Elizabeth Caballero, Be Well Baytown (by phone), MD Anderson
  • Vanessa Ayala, BACODA, Harris County Coalition
  • Johnni Riddar, Student, Prevention / DAAC, Lee College Student

Activities / Education / Presentations

  • The ETU Virtual Summit is happening April 14-15. Lee College will be sponsoring four faculty and staff and four students paid through our Tobacco Project with MDA. Rosemary will be part of a panel discussion on Tuesday afternoon.
  • Tobacco 101 Curriculum — At least three classes have identified using the Tobacco 101 curriculum from Peers Against Tobacco. This includes a Personal Health Class, Addictions Counseling, and the LVN program.

Communication / Messaging

  • There have been 2 different social media posts in the last 3 months, one in November and December.
  • New signage (yard signs) has been created using the design from the tobacco campaign and ready to be placed around campus. It was suggested some of the PAT members could help set them up. Yard signs are about $12 each, and Rosemary suggested making new ones, including one to promote Yes Quit.

Tobacco Free Campus Policy / Compliance

Final updates to the AOD statement was discussed. The final version will be updated on the website. Tobacco verbiage was added throughout the document including resources.

Since the policy is now updated, we need to start looking at compliance and work with our security office.

  • Security needs to have "citations" or some kind of document to give to those who are caught with tobacco products on campus. It was suggested that we call it "notice" instead of citation or ticket which is less negative. The following process was suggested:
    • if someone gets a notice, they could get an email with resources in regard to cessation. This would be student affairs for students and HR for employees.
    • Vanessa suggested multiple people so that it feels more approachable that way
    • Nathan suggested providing resources as part of the "notice" given to the individual which would be a "business card" type form. It was suggested that the website can be included which has more cessation resources.
    • Repeat offenders would need a sanction which can be a small fine or completing Tobacco 101 training.

Open Discussion / Other

Members reported on a number of activities.

  • Amber reported working with LaPorte HS and a virtual Escape Room with a tobacco education focus.
  • Vanessa has been working with high school students on a program
    • Rosemary suggested the tobacco 101 curriculum
    • Vanessa also discussed the presentations and groups that she has been managing and using to spread awareness on tobacco control. She has presented to over 600 students with support from MD Anderson.
  • Elizabeth reported that Be Well Baytown continues to work with GCCISD as they are increasing their enforcement issues regarding tobacco and e-cigarettes. They are implemented the use of the ASPIRE curriculum being used to help provide cessation resources to students in high schools. This initiative involves physical activity and diet. She also reported that MD Anderson is partnering with the Truth Initiative with education efforts for youth ages 13-18 (This is Quitting campaign).
  • Vanessa reported about the former Healthy Living Matters group committee that has turned into the partnership for a healthy Pasadena
  • March 22-28 was National Drugs and Alcohol Facts week. A virtual panel was one of the activities. Amber mentioned that a Baytown PD member is interested in participating and helping with the group.
  • It was reported that the Drug Free Campus information is back on the home page under the About heading. This was removed with the new website. There is also some updated information being submitted to next year's student course catalog which includes our tobacco free policy

Adjournment — Next meeting

Our next meeting will be Wednesday, April 21, at 1 p.m. We will need to make sure that we have representation of security and human resources as we continue to discuss the compliance of our Tobacco Free Campus policy.

Respectfully Submitted,
Rosemary Coffman, PhD, CRC, LCDC
Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean of Student Affairs
