AOD: 1-31-2018

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Drug-Free Campus Committee — Jan. 31, 2018

Members Present:
Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean
Amber Buras, Bay Area Council on Drugs and Alcohol
Zane Moseley, Student Activities
Ehab Mustafa, Veterans Center
Mike Spletter, Student Activities Director
Valerie Lee, LSSS/EDUC1200 instructor
Daniel Cameron, Student

Howard Bushart, Allied Health Chair / Instructor
Paige Sorge, Assistant Volleyball Coach
Brook Barraza, Student
Marcus King, Assistant Basketball Coach
Aaron Crowell, Detective, Baytown PD
Amanda Summers, Human Resources Director
J.R. Velez, Security Captain

Review of Minutes from Nov. 29
The minutes were approved as written.

Old Business

  • The Last High Screening was offered to faculty, staff and students on November 30. There were only 5 attending, one student and four staff members. While the numbers were low, there was an indication that there was improvements on the pre/posttest given to participants. There was also good discussion with the group after the showing.
  • The Mental Health First Aid Training will be held on February 8 – 9th. This training includes information on substance use disorders. The 8 hour training is free as part of a grant through the Harris Center for Mental Health. Participants completing the training will earn a certificate that is good for three years. The session allows for 35 participants and we are at full capacity for the training.
  • As Amanda announced at our last meeting, the annual notification for the Alcohol and Drug Prevention statement went out to all employees. For the first time, this was sent out electronically instead of by mail. The student statement will go out in mid-February, after the day of record for the flex start classes.

New Business

  • In the Spring, we are partnering with BACODA and others to bring a town hall meeting to campus on the Prescription Drug abuse in our community. Similar to our last Town Hall meeting on synthetic cannabinoids, we will have speakers, a panel for questions and answers, and community partners with resource tables. The event is scheduled for April 18 from 6-8 p.m. Other details:
    • We are hoping to have a small reception from 5:30 – 6 with food (sponsored) and a chance to meet with the resource tables.
    • Amber is looking for addiction/recovery centered artwork to be featured for the evening. The LC art department has declined being involved, but we may look for individual students and/or other resources. One suggestion was a mural type art piece with a canvas provided by student activities.
    • Student Activities also stated that they would be able to help with snacks for the event.
    • Committee members are welcome to attend the next planning meeting on February 13 at 1:00 p.m. in the ATC conference room.

Other Events / Announcements

  • The Spring Fling will be March 7 and we would like to have a booth at that event. We had several volunteers for the event. Possible ideas for the event:
    • We will buy candy as incentives to complete a short survey on the student’s perception of drug use on campus.
    • Campus SaVE will use the “wheel,” but we may use the planko board to draw people to the table.
    • Creation of a Snap Chat filter for the day (e.g., “Sober Rebels”)
  • The Health Fair will be on March 27. Rosemary and Amber will take the lead in making sure we have someone at the table and handouts. We hope to have flyers for the Town Hall meeting at this time.
  • The Biennial Review will be due on Sept 1, 2018. Starting in the summer, Rosemary will be working with a subcommittee on this project.

Next Meeting
Our next meeting will be April 4 at 3:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Rosemary Coffman, PhD, CRC, LCDC
Associate Dean of Student Affairs
