AOD: 4-4-2018

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Drug-Free Campus Committee — April 4, 2018

Members Present:
Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean
Amber Buras, Bay Area Council on Drugs and Alcohol
Mike Spletter, Student Activities Director
Daniel Cameron, Student
J.R. Velez, Security Captain
Paige Sorge, Assistant Volleyball Coach
Samantha Balderas, Generation RX (by phone)

Zane Moseley, Student Activities
Ehab Mustafa, Veterans Center
Howard Bushart, Allied Health Chair / Instructor
Marcus King, Assistant Basketball Coach
Steve Dorris, Baytown Police Department
Amanda Summers, Human Resources Director
Valerie Lee, LSSS/EDUC1200 instructor

Review of Minutes from January 31
The minutes were approved as written.

Old Business

  • The next Mental Health First Aid Training will be April 19-20. This training is open to any Lee College employee. Right now, we have about 30 registrants and we will offer the third and final session in June. The training includes information on substance use disorders. The 8-hour training is free as part of a grant through the Harris Center for Mental Health. Participants completing the training will earn a certificate that is good for three years.
  • Amber and Rosemary represented the Drug Free Campus Committee and the South East Harris County Coalition at the College’s Health Fair on March 27.
  • The Town Hall on Prescription Drugs will be April 18. A subcommittee has been working with representatives from the Prevention Resource Center on the planning. We will have presenters representing law enforcement, information on local and regional data, the use of naloxone, treatment, and a personal story. We have artwork from clients through Memorial Hermann Prevention and Recovery Center that will be displayed at the event. CEUs will be available for LCDC and LPC.

New Business

  • Samantha Balderas spoke to the Committee via telephone in regards to GenerationRX. Her organization works with the community through Cardinal Health in educating the public on safe medication practices in the areas of prevention education, safe disposal, best practices in pain management, and community collaboration. The program has specific information for higher education with posters and information that can be co-branded. ( [NOTE: Page no longer active as of Feb. 2020) Sam will be joining the committee as a community member.
  • Rosemary presented information from the Texas 21 Project. It is a campaign to try to raise the legal age to purchase cigarettes from 18 to 21. We have the opportunity to serve as an education/resource partner in their coalition. More information can be found on their website at

Other Events / Announcements

  • We will start to plan the Summer Bash at our next meeting. Typically we have the event middle to late June with a “drug-free” theme.
  • April 28 is National Prescription Take Back Day. Baytown Police Department will participate and individuals can drop off prescription drugs from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at the station located at 3200 N. Main in Baytown. We will send out a flyer to all students and staff prior to the event. Deer Park will also be participating and they will accept needles.
  • April reported that The Last High will be in two film festivals in the area including the Houston International Film Festival and the Boomtown Film and Music Festival in Beaumont.

Next Meeting
Our next meeting will be May 2 at 3:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Rosemary Coffman, PhD, CRC, LCDC
Associate Dean of Student Affairs
