AOD: 6-24-2020

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Drug Free Campus Committee - June 24, 2020

Members Present

Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean (Chair), Student Affairs
Mike Spletter, Director, Student Activities, Student Activities
Ashley Bliss, Peers Against Tobacco, President, Lee College Student
Vanessa Ayala, BACODA, Harris County Coalition
Elizabeth Caballero, Be Well Baytown (by phone), MD Anderson
Nathan Lilly, Be Well Baytown/ Lee College, Student Affairs
Howard Bushart, Chair, Allied Health, Academics
Christopher Bailey, Security Officer, Security
Chris McClure, Administrative Assistant, Student Affairs
Tymme Reyes-McAllister, Advisor, IMPACT ECHS, Student Affairs

Review of Minutes from March 3 — Approved as written.

Old Business

  • Tobacco Summit — (July 16 – 17) — The Tobacco summit has been rescheduled as a virtual meeting. We have 5 staff and 4 students registered to attend the event. The agenda was shared with the group. Others who are interested should contact Rosemary for registration information.
  • Biennial Report — This report is due by the end of the summer. The subcommittee consists of Rosemary, Amanda Summers, Howard Bushart, Christopher Bailey, and Mike Spletter. Rosemary will send out a draft to the group and/or sections that need to be updated.
    • Definition: The Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations (EDGAR Part 86) lay out several requirements with which all IHEs receiving any form of federal funding must comply, one of which is a biennial review. The regulations' structure and format provide enough flexibility that a campus can tailor its biennial review and report to suit the particular circumstances of the campus and provide a springboard for a thorough review, evaluation, and adaptation of its AOD prevention program.
  • Core Survey — We continue to review the results of the Core Survey. Jennifer Newton (working through BACODA) is helping with a tobacco infographic. The committee was provided a copy of the executive summary.
  • Tobacco Free Campus / Awareness and Compliance — As part of our Tobacco Project, we will be looking at the level of campus awareness of our tobacco free policy and how we can increase compliance with the policy. Christopher (Security) reported that students seem to be more accepting and cooperative when asked to not smoke. We need to look at the policy and confirm the sanctions to see if these need to be enforced.

Rosemary reported on the results of the Core Survey (students) and the Staff Tobacco Survey on the campus' awareness of our Tobacco Free policy. The chart below indicates the number of students and staff aware of the policy.

Student or Staff Not at all Slightly Somewhat Moderately Extremely













New Business

  • Peers Against Tobacco — The group welcomes Ashely Bliss, president of our Peers Against Tobacco student group. Several of the students are attending the Tobacco Summit in July. We continue to get support from UT including $1,000 to support our initiative, handouts, and supplies for the Procrasti-vape Lounge. The lounge is strategically set up to look like a recreational vape lounge with nice rugs and seating. Its purpose is to attract students to come and procrastinate for a little and learn how many "bad" habits are still better than vaping. 
  • Vanessa has suggested we offer a virtual Town Hall Meeting on vaping. This can also be in partnership with the school district. It's an opportunity to look at the relation of COVID-19 and vaping.

Announcements / Discussion

  • Tobacco Cessation — Resources for free tobacco cessation is now on our Drug Free Campus website ( This is one of the goals of the Tobacco Project
  • Elizabeth shared some marketing materials that will be part of communicating the tobacco free message to the campus.
  • There was a discussion on how COVID-19 and working with our funding partners in light of the cancellation of events and meeting our goals. Rosemary shared that our projects with Be Well Baytown (which includes our Tobacco Project) are being very flexible in how we reach out to the campus community.  We are working on getting the online curriculum from UT regarding tobacco which will hope to share with instructors across the campus.
  • Vanessa is posting good information on the BACODA Facebook page. Members are asked to check it out and share to their personal pages. You can search "Pasadena Community Coalition — Bacoda."

Next Meeting

The group will like to meet in August by Zoom. Rosemary will find a time and send out an invite.

Respectfully Submitted,
Rosemary Coffman, PhD, CRC, LCDC
Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean of Student Affairs                             
