AOD: 5-25-2022

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Drug Free Campus Committee — May 25, 2022

Members Present

  • Rosemary Coffman; Chair, Drug Free Campus Committee
  • Jack Conner; Chief, LC Security
  • Howard Bushart; Chair, Allied Health
  • Erika Loredo; Student Affairs
  • Mike Spletter; Director, Student Activities
  • Ruth Rechis; Be Well Baytown, MD Anderson
  • Mayra Aquino; Be Well Baytown, MD Anderson

I. Review of Tobacco Policy and compliance process

  • In Spring 2021, the Drug-Free Campus Committee met over several meetings to discuss the AOD statement and how tobacco can be reinforced as part of the statement. The Tobacco Free policy has been in place at Lee College since 2016.
  • The process was determined which involved submitting an incident report by security with follow up from either HR (for employees) or Student Affairs (for students).
  • For the 2020 biennial (2018–2020) and the current Biennial Report (2020–2022), there have been no citations or infractions of the tobacco policy.

II. BWB Spring Tobacco Survey Discussion

  • The 2022 survey through our Tobacco Project with BWB, included over 1000 responses. It included information on the following: level of awareness of Lee College’s Tobacco-Free Policy and how the individual learned of the Policy; level of awareness of cessation resources; report of witnessing the use of tobacco products and, if so, where.
  • In addition, it allowed respondents to identify as tobacco users which was 214 responses. Information from this group included: Did they use on campus and, if so, where; how often did they consider quitting; and reported use of electronic cigarettes
  • There were 20% of the respondents who reported using tobacco within the past 30 days. 31% of all respondents reported seeing tobacco use on campus; however, some of this was sidewalks which could include the adjacent sidewalk that is not college property.
  • There was a large number of respondents who reported seeing smoking in the parking lot and in personal cars. Other areas were discussed. as well.

III. Next Steps

  • Based on our discussion, the following was determined to be next steps.
  • We need to modify the procedures for tobacco use. With no infractions found, it was discussed that it is not always possible for security to find violators. If the process is not working, it needs to be adjusted. Rosemary will work with Chief Conner and present a change to the larger group in the fall.
  • There are often infractions happening at events for the public (such as at the Performing Arts Center or the Arena). It was suggested that our Tobacco-Free Policy be included in the process in which these venues are reserved. Also, with infractions, they can be notified.
  • Jack can start to document the incidences in which others are found in violation through their daily reports. This would include date and time, location of violation, type of tobacco product, and if the violation was from student, faculty, community member.
  • We will develop business cards that have information on cessation for the officers. One side would be a pleasant message with “thank you” or “please be aware” focused on the tobacco-free policy. The other side will have information (QR code) with cessation information.
  • We need to have more targeted signage for areas and people of concern. This would include yard sale signs for parking lots, posters for evening technical students.

Respectfully Submitted,
Rosemary Coffman, PhD, CRC, LCDC
Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean of Student Affairs
