AOD: 3-8-2023

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Drug Free Campus Committee — March 8, 2023

Members Present

  • Dr. Rosemary Coffman Associate Dean, Student Affairs
  • Mike Spletter Director, Student Activities, Lee College, Student Activities
  • Jennifer Brown Be Well Baytown, Assistant, Student Affairs
  • Mayra Aquino Be Well Baytown, MD Anderson
  • Amber Carter, BACODA, East Harris County Coalition
  • Reanna DeGeorge Addiction Counseling Program, Lee College, Addictions Counseling
  • Crystal Hernandez BACODA Life Recovery Services
  • Tiffany Winchester Coordinator, Veterans Center, Student Affairs
  • Chief John Connor Interim Chief of Security, Lee College Security
  • Linda Torres-Mann Mental Health Counselor, Lee College Student Affairs

Drug-Free Campus Committee Overview — This committee provides education and support to the campus regarding our Drug-Free Campus Policy. We work on different projects and objectives though our collaboration with community partners such as BACODA and Be Well Baytown. We serve to promote a healthy campus through resources and education which includes support for our tobacco free campus policy.

The Biennial Review is completed every two years. The recommendations for the 2022 Biennial Review include:

  • Investigate to determine the best way to include Workforce Education (non-credit) students with the dissemination of the Drug Free Statement.
  • With lessons learned in the promotion of tobacco education and cessation, more focus is needed for the support and activities on education and resources for alcohol and other drugs.
  • Investigate the tools and resources available to students and part-time employees through TimelyCare and market these resources to those eligible for this service.

Fall Events-Since our last meeting a number of events have been completed

  • Fall Fiesta — information regarding tobacco and our Peers Against Tobacco Student Group was available at this event.
  • The Truth About Tobacco and Vaping-For the Great American Smokeout Day (Nov. 17), this presentation provided information on the dangers of tobacco use, including vaping. We had about 40 participants in attendance with a reception sponsored by our Peers Against Tobacco Student Group.
  • Narcan Training-Sponsored by BACODA, this event on November 10 provided information on the prevalence of opioids and the use of Narcan. The event featured David Sunday, Outreach Coordinator and Veterans Liaison for the Houston Council on Recovery. There were about 67 participants including nursing students.

Upcoming Events — There will be several opportunities for tabling events which include Spring Fling and Lee College Health Fair. We will have a booth at both event for information with support from our Peers Against Tobacco Student Group.

BACODA’s Life Recovery Services — Crystal Hernandez presented on services provided to students and the community which includes free Alcohol and Other Drug Assessments and counseling. The sessions can be either on campus or virtual and can be done in English or Spanish. We will include flyers of the Life Recovery Services at our table for Spring Fling and the Health Fair.

Tobacco Education / Cessation Updates — Through our partnership with Be Well Baytown, we continue to provide messaging and education to the campus regarding tobacco and our tobacco free policy.

  • We have been promoting our policy through our New Student Orientations, social medial, plasma screens, and yard signs.
  • The tobacco information has been made into a separate link on the Drug Free Campus Website. This provides opportunity to share easy to find cessation resources.
  • Jennifer shared information about our Peers Against Tobacco Student Group who meets twice monthly to provide support and education to the campus. The students will be attending the ETU, the Say What! Summit in Kemah (both in April) and assisting with upcoming tabling events.
  • Through our partnership with Be Well Baytown, the college is offering free Freedom From Smoking classes March 21-May 2. We will also have funds to support Freedom From Smoking Plus, a virtual cessation program. We are encouraging everyone to share the flyer with others.

One Pill Kills Campaign — Governor Abbot has developed a series of “One Pill Kills” graphics for institutions to use. The campaign helps educate students and aims at spreading awareness of the dangers of fentanyl. With the help of marketing, we will have information at tabling events, the plasma screens, and the newsletter.

  • Amber (BACODA) offered to host Fentanyl workshops on campus. Chief Connor asked that the LC security officers all be trained. In order to do this, it will need to be in 2 different sessions. We will also try to set up additional workshops for the campus. The nursing department has asked for the Narcan training for their students in the fall.
  • We would like to do a larger fall event. We noted that Overdose Awareness Day is late in August and Recovery Month is in September.
  • Amber will share the link of short films featuring families who have lost loved ones to fentanyl overdoses. This can be shared as part of these events.

Summer Bash — We will be hosting our annual Summer Bash in June. This event is sponsored by Student Activities and BACODA and has a “drug free living” theme. In the past, we have had pedal cars with drunk goggles (from the Baytown Fire Department) and more.

  • Starting with 2022, we included mental health information and support.
  • Student Activities will help with a giveaway for the event. Last year, we had cooling towels. One suggestion was water bottles.
  • A copy of the final report will be sent out to this group. A subcommittee will be formed to start the planning. We are considering the week of June 12 and Amber will check with the Baytown Fire Department to determine the day in which they may be available.

Announcements / Adjournment

  • A subcommittee will be used to start the Summer Bash Planning
  • Next campus meeting — TBD

Respectfully Submitted,
Rosemary Coffman, PhD, CRC, LCDC
Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean of Student Affairs
