AOD: 9-24-2019

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Drug Free Campus Committee - Sept. 24, 2019

Members Present

  • Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean, Student Affairs, Student Affairs
  • Howard Bushart, Allied Health Chair (Faculty), Faculty
  • Mike Spletter, Director, Student Activities, Student Activities
  • Nathan Lilly, Student, Student Affairs
  • Amber Carter, BACODA, Harris County Coalition
  • Elizabeth Caballero, Be Well Baytown , MD Anderson
  • Tiffany Winchester, Veterans Center, Student Affairs

Review of Minutes from September 5

Approved as written.

Old Business

  • Core Survey Update – We are set to administer the Core Survey starting on October 24 (with the Fall Fiesta) and conclude on November 12. Additional time can be added if there is a need for more respondents. We reviewed the online email letter and the additional questions for the survey.
    • Publicity / Marketing – we reviewed the postcard that will be printed to hand out to the students. With clarification, we will add information on the 5-digit login code.
      • Other ideas included using the same design for table tents, plasma screens, and yard sale signs.
      • Howard will work on getting notice to instructors and will have his students available to go into classes to complete the survey.
      • We discussed having postcards in key areas of the campus to include the Student Center. This would be especially helpful once registration starts.
    • Incentives – All students who complete the survey will receive a “thank you” incentive. These are the donations from Bacoda and include backpacks, sunglasses, earbuds, etc.
      • Students will be directed to pick these up at either RH107 (Chris’ area) or RH112 (Rosemary’s area). Tiffany also offered to add the veterans center (RH106) as an option as well.
      • For the gift cards, students can print up the back page. We also discussed adding wording to say that they can take a picture of that back page as well. We noted that we need to keep a list of students who picked up the incentives as to discourage coming in more than once.
      • We can use tickets for those students who complete the survey in classes to come and get their ‘thank you’ gift. Mike stated that he has plenty of raffle tickets that we can use.
  • Faculty Survey – We will have a short faculty/staff survey out at the same time as the Core Survey for students. The questions are the same with an additional question on the employee’s position (staff, faculty, part-time, full-time, etc) and on additional question regarding the need for resources. This survey will need to be put into Survey Monkey to distribute.
    • Incentives – We will have incentives for the faculty with one $25 gift card other items such as umbrellas. Rosemary will check with college relations on getting these.
  • Peers Against Tobacco - Nathan gave us an update on the Peers Against Tobacco student group. They have had two meetings and will meet again next week. At the last meeting there was a discussion of the campaign (better bad habits) and participating in The Great American Smoke Out.
  • Fall Fiesta – We will use the Fall Fiesta as a kickoff of the Core Survey. For those that complete the Core on this day will be entered into a raffle for a $25 gift card.
    • We will ask Veronica in the Learning Hub if we can use her area for those completing the survey. This would be for both the paper and pencil versions and the online (perhaps using 3 computers in their lab). We can see if we can put the link on the desktop for easy administration.
    • After much debate, we will have one table for both Peers Against Tobacco and the Drug Free Campus Committee. This will help to assure we have enough volunteers to work especially with the surveys. Amber will be able to attend.

New Business

  • No New Business

Other Events / Announcements

  • Our next Mental Health First Aid Training is scheduled for October 24-25. We currently have 25 signed up.
  • Be Well Baytown Day is scheduled for November 2.
  • Rosemary shared information on It's Time Texas Community Challenge. The competition begins in January, but individuals should be able to register sometime this month.

Next Meeting

The next meeting for the committee will be November 7 at 2 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rosemary Coffman, PhD, CRC, LCDC

Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean of Student Affairs
