AOD: 1-31-2019

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Drug Free Campus Committee - Jan. 31, 2019

Members Present

  • Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean, Student Affairs
  • Howard Bushart, Allied Health Chair, Faculty
  • Zane Mosely, Secretary, Student Activities
  • Captain JR Velez, Security Captain, Security
  • Gavriel Pippins, Intern, UHCL Social Work, Student Affairs
  • Amber Carter, South East County Coalition Coordinator, BACODA
  • Mike Spletter, Coordinator, Student Activities

Review of Minutes from November 15

The minutes were approved as written.

Old Business

  • We have approximately $2000 from the Texans Standing Tall project to spend on things related to drug free campuses. The following was discussed / decided:
    • We will earmark $1000 to spend on a climate survey. We reviewed the Core Survey offered through the Southern Illinois University. The Core Alcohol and Drug Survey for community colleges cost 48 cents per survey plus the reports package for $425. This would allow for approximately 1000 surveys. We need to try to get as many as possible and hopefully as representative as possible. We can look to see if we can get LSSS300 and EDUC1200 students to participate (either in class or allow to count for school activity).
    • We discussed ways to reach students such as going into classes. It was noted that if we tried to go into the class for the first day, we would need more volunteers to help. We possibly can work on getting a practicum student with the prevention classes to help with the process.
    • We can use remaining funds to purchase incentives or items to use at different college events.
  • For the prescription drug campaign, the information from the Core Survey will be valuable to see what direction we need to go.
  • The Naloxone Training is February 7. We have approximately 30 individuals registered for the event. Rosemary will work on getting reserved parking for attendees. Participants need to register by February 5 in order to have lunch guaranteed.
  • We are moving forward in requesting our participation in the Tobacco Project with MD Anderson and Be Well Baytown. Laurie Oehler is presenting information to the cabinet for approval on February 12 and the project proposal is due March 10. The three year project may include:
    • Education / printing of materials
    • Participation in the annual Tobacco Summit
    • Looking at HR / existing resources for faculty and staff regarding nicotine cessation
    • Starting a Peers Against Tobacco student group.

New Business

We received a request to include information from The Recovery Village on our Drug Free Campus website ( While there was good information on the site, it appeared to be associated with a group of treatment centers. For now, the group decided not to include the information.

Other Events / Announcements

  • Our next Mental Health First Aid training will be February 21 and 22. We currently have 25 participants registered. Howard asked if adjunct faculty could participate. He will be inviting some of the part time Alcohol/Drug Counseling faculty to the event.
  • We will have a table with BACODA at the Health Fair on March 26 (11 a.m. – 2 p.m.). Howard and Zane volunteered at the table. Gavriel and Rosemary will be splitting their time between this table and other tables (Sun Safety and Campus SaVE).
  • Spring Fling is April 3. We will need volunteers to help with the Drug Free Campus table. Rosemary hopes to have purchased some of the incentives or other materials.

Next Meeting

Our next meeting will be February 26 at 1:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rosemary Coffman, PhD, CRC, LCDC

Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean of Student Affairs
