AOD: 4-21-2021

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Drug Free Campus Committee — April 21, 2021

Members Present

  • Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean, Student Affairs, Student Affairs
  • Mike Spletter, Director, Student Activities, Student Activities
  • Nathan Lilly, Assistant, Be Well Baytown, Lee College
  • Amanda Summers, Human Resource Director, Lee College
  • Elizabeth Caballero, Be Well Baytown, MD Anderson
  • Vanessa Ayala, BACODA, Harris County Coalition
  • Eric Freed, Police Officer, Baytown PD
  • Tiffany Winchester, Coordinator, Veterans Center, Lee College
  • Tammy Holloway, Interim Chief of Security, Lee College

The minutes of the March meeting were provided to the committee. If no changes are noted, they are approved as written. We welcome Officer Freed as a new member of our committee.

Activities / Education / Presentations

  • There were four staff and three students who attended the Virtual End Tobacco Summit this past week. Information was shared with the group on the takeaways from the event.  Lee College was given attention for the 100% grade for being a tobacco free school. 
  • Lee College Vanessa spoke about the PAT organization that has lost most of its members, and that we we're not the only college to have those issues.
  • Rosemary mentioned that since we are doing so many good things, we have to keep providing more resources and setting examples while we're setting trends
  • Tiffany showed off some new items from PAT that they sent for the vaping lounge, including a large banner. These might have been sitting in S&R for over a year.

Tobacco Free College Policy / Compliance

With the recommended changes to the AOD Policy from this committee, the statement has been updated on the web. For this meeting, we focused on the compliance of the AOD committee.

  • Eric suggested a flyer or some kind of information to help assist the smoker. "Progressive discipline," where it ramps up depending the number of violations.
  • Rosemary shared a new incident report form for security to fill out through Maxient software. This report will allow the security officer to document who was giving the "non-observance" notice. With this HR or Student Affairs can send additional information to the individual.  Security will have access to the information through the system as well as others.
  • Tammy suggested calling is a non-observance of policy on campus, and they are being made aware of the issue. It was also suggested that the individual would be able to take the "notice" to student affairs as an incentive to encourage them to keep the information and to provide information to the security officer.
  • Rosemary will meet with Tammy (security) and Amanda (HR) to further define the compliance process for the campus. Once we have a more firm procedure in place, we will email Dr. Villanueva for approval and support of the change in compliance.
  • Information needs to be determined for the compliance procedures:
    • What information do we include on the notice given to the student? It needs to include information on repeat offenses as well as cessation information.
    • What information is provided in the follow up email to the individual from HR or Student Affairs.
    • The committee was asked to review the incident report and give feedback on information that we gather. Right now, in addition to personal information, it documents the type (cigarette, ENDS, etc) and the location of the violation.

Communication / Messaging

  • Nathan reported that the PAT group did put up 6 of the tobacco free campus yard signs around campus. Nathan will follow up and document the location of the signage.

Open Discussion / Other

  • Vanessa discussed how BACODA is doing a town hall presentation with Univision, and encouraged us to find other Spanish speakers who may tune in.
  • Elizabeth shared information on m…

Adjournment — Next meeting

  • Rosemary suggested a Wednesday in June at 1 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Rosemary Coffman, PhD, CRC, LCDC
Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean of Student Affairs
