AOD: 5-8-2019

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Drug Free Campus Committee - May 8, 2019

Members Present

  • Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean, Student Affairs
  • Howard Bushart, Allied Health Chair, Faculty
  • Zane Mosely, Secretary, Student Activities
  • Mike Spletter, Director, Student Activities
  • Chris McClure, Secretary, Student Affairs
  • Ehab Mustafa, Counselor, Veterans Center

Review of Minutes from February 26

The minutes were approved as written.

Old Business

  • The Drug Free Campus Committee sponsored a booth at both the Health Fair (March 26) and the Spring Fling (April 3)
  • Core Survey – We are still on target to administer the Core Survey in the fall. Rosemary confirmed that the funds from the TST project will be rolled over for the next year and we have just under $2000. She completed the required Human Subjects online tutorial, a requirement from our IRB committee. She is also working with MD Anderson (Tobacco Project) to add the specific tobacco questions to the survey.
  • Tobacco Project – We received notice that we were approved for the tobacco project as part of the College’s participation in the Be Well Baytown initiative.
    • The timeline will be September 1, 2019 – August 2022.
    • The project will include education, providing the campus with cessation resources (for tobacco users), and increase the compliance of our smoke free policy.
    • We reviewed the budget which includes:
      • Funds for part time support
      • Printing/marketing/signage
      • Assistance with the Core Survey (funds for costs of additional questions and funds for incentives)
      • General incentives, promotional items
      • Funds for the Tobacco Summit
    • The proposal has the Drug Free Campus Committee as the oversight committee. We discussed having a subcommittee. It was the general consensus that we did not need an additional meeting.
    • We want to integrate the Prevention students (alcohol / drug abuse counseling) in the project. We will meet with Vanessa Ayala. Using the same model as the Books and Beans students, we would like to have the prevention students (DAAC 2306 and DAAC 2353) be required to put in a specific number of hours as part of the project. We can also use the students enrolled in the Prevention practicum.
    • Chris McClure has volunteered to be part of the project, which can be part of his work with his bachelor’s degree in Health Education. We also discussed finding other interns in similar programs to assist.
    • We want to implement the Peers Against Tobacco student group. This would require the participation of a minimum of five students. Through the University of Texas, this program has established marketing and funding. We will set up a conference call with the organizer in the summer to get more information on the commitment.

New Business

  • Summer Bash – The date for Summer Bash was set for June 19. We discussed having a more “healthy” theme as well as support for the drug free campus.
    • We will meet May 20 for our first subcommittee meeting for the event. Rosemary will work with Amber and Howard on the list of vendors for the event.

Other Events / Announcements

  • Our next Mental Health First Aid Training is scheduled for June 13-14. We currently have 17 registered.

Next Meeting

The next meeting for the committee will be determined at a later date. The subcommittee for the Summer Bash planning will meet on May 20.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rosemary Coffman, PhD, CRC, LCDC

Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean of Student Affairs
