AOD: 10-7-2020

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Drug Free Campus Committee — Oct. 7, 2020

Members Present

  • Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean (Chair), Student Affairs
  • Mike Spletter, Director, Student Activities, Student Activities
  • Elizabeth Caballero, Program Manager, MD Anderson, Be Well Baytown
  • Nathan Lilly, Be Well Baytown/ Lee College, Student Affairs
  • Howard Bushart, Chair, Allied Health, Academics
  • Zola Montana, Security Officer, Security
  • Tiffany Winchester, Veterans Center Coordinator, Student Affairs
  • Amber Carter, South East Harris County Coalition, BACODA

Review of Minutes from Aug. 5 — Approved as written.

Old Business

  • Biennial Report — The report has been completed and a copy is now online with hard copies in Rosemary's office and the Human Resources office.
    • Discussion / Reminder on the purpose of the report
    • Review/ Discussion of the goals in the report which serve as goals for this group
  • Discussion / Review of Be Well Baytown / Tobacco Project which included accomplishments from last year and metrics to be accomplished for next year.

Tobacco Free Campus / Awareness and Compliance

  • The group discussed the enforcement of our Tobacco Free policy and the difference between enforcement and compliance.
    • We will have a meeting at the end of October with security to discuss enforcement and the possible use of citations from security for those who violate the policy.
    • The awareness and support of administration is essential as we move toward stronger enforcement.
    • Clarification was made on exemptions for the LC policy in that there is no exemption for smoking in individual vehicles.
    • Signage will be funded through the Tobacco Project and has been approved.
  • Cessation Support — With the emphasis on enforcement, we will also be providing more information on support for those who want to quit.
    • The drug-free campus website was updated last year to include smoking cessation resources for both faculty and staff.
    • While having support groups on campus may be a possibility, it may be that we partner with other community groups and offer space on campus.
  • Update of Policy Title — With a recommendation of adjusting the Drug Abuse Prevention Statement title, the group agrees to include "tobacco." Now — Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Prevention and Policy Statement. Rosemary will work on getting this change on the official policy online.
  • Presentation on survey from the American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation — Presented at the Tobacco Summit in April, information from the ANRF Study of tobacco free campus policies was presented. The survey was done to gain information on how many campuses are tobacco and smoke free, and how many of which have 100% smoke and tobacco free policies. Information on the survey can be found at

Core Survey Information Update

  • Discussion of Core Survey — BACODA is providing support in the creating of infographics through their partnership with C.A.R.E. (Community Advocacy Research and Evaluation) Consulting Group. Amber and Rosemary are working on the infographic that will include a comparison of our results with other colleges.
  • An infographic specific to the tobacco questions has been completed and was shared with the group.

Announcements / Discussion

  • Rosemary recognized our great community partners that continue to help us with our goals for this group. This includes BACODA, Be Well Baytown (MD Anderson), Texans for a Safe and Drug-Free Youth (formerly Texans Standing Tall), and Peers Against Tobacco. We are grateful for their contributions to the health and well-being of the Lee College community.
  • We received notification that funds from a previous project through Texans for a Safe and Drug-Free Youth has rolled over to this budget year ($815). We used some of this funding for the Core Survey (along with money from the Tobacco Project).
  • The discussion of a Town Hall Project is on hold.
  • Peers Against Tobacco continues to work at working remotely. Howard will recruit students from the prevention classes. There was also a discussion on how we can get more involvement from the general student population.
  • Mike is planning a virtual fall fiesta which would be an opportunity for both this committee and our Peers Against Tobacco group to be engaged with the larger campus community.

Next Meeting

Our next meeting will be October 29 at 10 am (through Zoom) and will be a focused meeting with our Security Department on setting up procedures for tobacco enforcement on campus.

Respectfully Submitted,
Rosemary Coffman, PhD, CRC, LCDC
Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean of Student Affairs
