AOD: 11-7-2019

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Drug Free Campus Committee - Nov. 7, 2019

Members Present

  • Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean, Student Affairs, Student Affairs
  • Mike Spletter, Director, Student Activities, Student Activities
  • Nathan Lilly, Student, Student Affairs
  • Amber Carter, BACODA (by phone), Harris County Coalition
  • Elizabeth Caballero, Be Well Baytown (by phone), MD Anderson
  • Tiffany Winchester, Veterans Center, Student Affairs

Review of Minutes from Oct. 10

Approved as written.

Old Business

  • Core Survey Update – The online survey is active. At the time of this meeting, we have had 155 completed online and 42 paper and pencil completions. The group decided to extend the survey through Friday, November 22.
    • Fall Fiesta – The Peers Against Tobacco group did a great job in promoting the survey and getting over 40 students to complete the paper and pencil surveys at the event.
    • Publicity / Marketing – additional postcards have been printed.
      • It was suggested that we have a presence in the Student Center and Moler Hall with postcards and paper and pencil surveys. If they choose to complete right there, we can have incentives available immediately. Raffle tickets can be given to those completing the paper can pencil version so they can be included in the raffle for gift cards.
      • Rosemary has sent out two reminders via email to students. An additional all user reminder was sent out to faculty and staff to ask for their help in recruiting students. We have had no faculty volunteers their class time to complete the survey.
      • Mike said that he would ask SGA to complete the survey.
      • Tiffany volunteered to work with the technical classes.
    • Incentives –A huge thank you went to Amber and BACODA for donating the selfie sticks as incentives. Rosemary has purchased the gift cards that will be given out as part of the raffle.
      • For those that completed the paper and pencil survey at Fall Fiesta, a name was drawn and the student has picked up her $25 gift card.
      • Selfie Sticks have been delivered to the three areas. About 20 have been picked up so far.
  • Faculty Survey – The short faculty/staff tobacco survey was created in Survey Monkey with questions that mirror the tobacco questions on the Core Survey
    • A paper and pencil version was created for the Fall Fiesta.
    • The online survey was sent out to all faculty and staff on October 25 and a reminder was sent out on the same day of this meeting.
    • At the time of the committee meeting, we had 170 completed surveys. This includes the p/p versions that were entered manually into survey monkey.
    • Incentives – We will have incentives for the faculty with one $25 gift card other items such as umbrellas. Rosemary will check with college relations on getting these.
  • Peers Against Tobacco – Nathan reports that the Peers Against Tobacco group continues to meet. They are officially a student organization with Lee College.
    • This month they will be putting out information on the Great American Smoke out hosting a table to give out quit cards and information. Their next meeting is Wednesday, November 13.

New Business

  • No New Business

Other Events / Announcements

  • Amber announced that the next coalition meeting will be November 13 with a speaker on e-cigarettes. Information will be shared with the Peers Against Tobacco group. The group will meet from 10-11:30 at the LaPorte Police Department.
  • Elizabeth reminded everyone that the registration period for It’s Time Texas community health challenge is open. To register, you can go to their website at Jason Summers is in the process of setting up Lee College as an organization within the challenge.

Next Meeting


Respectfully Submitted,

Rosemary Coffman, PhD, CRC, LCDC

Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean of Student Affairs
