AOD: 11-15-2018

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Drug Free Campus Committee - November 15, 2018

Members Present

  • Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean, Student Affairs
  • Howard Bushart, Allied Health Chair, Faculty
  • Zane Mosely, Secretary, Student Activities, Student Activities
  • Captain JR Velez, Security Captain, Security
  • Gavriel Pippins, Intern, UHCL Social Work, Student Affairs
  • Amber Carter, South East County Coalition Coordinator, BACODA

Review of Minutes from October 4

The minutes were approved as written.

Old Business

  • We discussed details from the Summer Bash. Rosemary shared the results of the survey. We had 12 community partners along with Baytown Police and Fire Department. 38 students and staff completed the survey. 
  • Rosemary reported that we have received $2000 from Texans Standing Tall for our involvement with the most recent SBIRT (screening and brief intervention) project. The money is ours to use with our drug free campus activities. We need to spend the funds this year.  We discussed buying gift cards as incentives, food for specific events, a large prescription bottle (display) with coffin for prescription drug campaign.
  • We will continue to look at having a campaign for prescription drug awareness. We need to find a good example of the large pill bottle display and possibly someone to recreate. 
  • Rosemary reported that we participated in the Fall Fiesta (October 25) and the Mental Health Resource Fair (October 22). We also had 19 participants complete the Mental Health First Aid training in October.

New Business

  • MD Anderson has invited us to apply for funds for a tobacco cessation/education project on campus. It would be similar funds as we now have with our Sun Safety project.  We will have an information session with MD Anderson on Thursday, November 29 at 3 p.m. in the ATC Conference Room.  Anyone interested from the Drug Free Campus Committee is invited to attend.
  • Amber announced that she is getting 1200 boxes of Narcan. She is working with Dr. Alonzo from TAMU on proving naloxone training to police departments.  We discussed either having a training on campus or having a Train-the-Trainer on campus in which we would invite others from the community as well as those from Lee College that will be interested.  Amber will be contacting Dr. Alonzo to find out if we can do the Train-the-Trainer model without participants being trained first.  She will also find out how long the training will be.  It was suggested that we could offer it during the week of professional development and that may work better with her schedule.

Other Events / Announcements

  • Our next Mental Health First Aid training will be February 21 and 22.

Next Meeting

Our next meeting will be January 31.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rosemary Coffman, PhD, CRC, LCDC

Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean of Student Affairs
