AOD: 1-27-2022

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Drug Free Campus Committee — Jan. 27, 2022

Members Present

  • Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean, Student Affairs, Student Affairs
  • Mike Spletter, Director, Student Activities, Lee College, Student Activities
  • Erika Loredo, Assistant, Be Well Baytown, Student Affairs
  • Nardia Leonce, Human Resource Director, Lee College Human Resources
  • Mayra Aquino, Be Well Baytown, MD Anderson
  • Amber Carter, BACODA, East Harris County Coalition
  • Howard Bushart, Addiction Counseling Program, Lee College Addictions Counseling
  • Vanessa Ayala Medina, Substance Abuse Counseling, Lee College Addictions Counseling
  • Tiffany Winchester, Coordinator, Veterans Center, Student Affairs, Veteran Center
  • Tammy Holloway, Interim Chief of Security, Lee College Security

Activities / Education / Presentations

  • ESCAPE THE VAPE — Amber reported on the event. Fox 26 News was there, and even though we had a small group of attendees that showed, it was aired at least three to four times, so we do believe our message got out there.
  • Spring Fling is coming up (March 24) and Rosemary asked if anyone from the committee would like to come and support our Peers Against Tobacco table. We will have the same tabling materials for the Health Fair (March 29)
  • Rosemary mentioned that we will be participating in the virtual Eliminate Tobacco Use Summit on April 20-21. If anyone from this group would like to participate, provide the information to Erika so we can register as a group.
  • We will have a follow up survey regarding tobacco in March. The first survey was in spring of 2019. We will not be doing the longer Core Survey as we did in 2019. We are looking to combine the tobacco and sun safety surveys into one to help with getting more responses. If we have paper and pencil copies, we can make the survey available at the Spring Fling and the Health Fair

Tobacco-Free College Policy / Compliance

  • We have slowly been replacing the old Tobacco-free signs we order some more and our main focus on where to put them are in McNair, Liberty, and 909 Decker.
  • Tammy informed us how we have a lot more officers on campus that are walking around and watching the cameras she also mentioned they just hired some more officers but so far there has been no evidence on smoking or vaping.
  • Tammy believes our signs and everything that we do is helping out and letting it be known that we are a Drug-Free Campus.
  • Rosemary also mentioned students and faculty should not be smoking/vaping inside their vehicles, either.

Communication / Messaging

  • Rosemary let everyone know how Priscilla from our PAT group is doing an amazing job and is spreading the word around Impact Campus she is hanging up posters.
  • We continue to have messaging on campus through social media, the plasma screens and signage.

Open Discussion / Other

  • Amber mentioned how they have a COVID grant and asked Mike if she can bring a yoga instructor for Spring Fling or even to do some giveaways. Also how they even purchased some yoga mats that have messages on them and BACODA name.
  • We will look at having our regular Summer Bash in June. Rosemary asked Mike if there is any funding for Summer Bash. We possibly will look at including mental health resources, as well, for the event.

Adjournment — Next meeting

  • Rosemary suggested sometime after spring break; she will notify everyone.

Respectfully Submitted,
Rosemary Coffman, PhD, CRC, LCDC
Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean of Student Affairs
