Manufacturing & Industrial Pathway

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Be­come part of the ra­pid­ly grow­ing work­force that plays a cru­cial role in the Tex­as econ­omy, pro­vid­ing es­sen­tial skills and exper­tise in areas that drive in­dus­tries for­ward, where hands-on work meets high de­mand, high pay, and job secur­ity.

Explore the con­cen­tra­tions to find your Pat­hway to Suc­cess!

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Your Path to Success Starts Here

(High School Endorsement Area: Business & Industry) | High School Endorsement to Pathways - Business & Industry (PDF)

Contact Advisor/Counselor

Marylou Ortuvia (, 281.425.6524)

  • Manufacturing Engineering Technology (MAET2, AAS)
  • Process Technology (PT2, AAS)
  • Process Technology (PT1)
  • Safety Management Technology (SM2, AAS)
  • Safety Management Technology (SM1)

Domingo Estrada (, 281.425.6559)

  • Instrumentation Technology (IR2, AAS) Industrial Instrumentation (IF1) Instrumentation Technology (IR1)
  • Analytical Technology (ATI2, AAS)
  • Analytical Instrumentation (ATI1)
  • Electrical Technology (IE2, AAS)
  • Electrical Construction (EC1)
  • Electrical Technology (IE1)
  • Electrical, Instrumentation, & Analytical II (EIA1)
  • Wiring Installation (EWI1)

Lexie Harder (, 281.425.6579; Office: McNair Campus, P111)

  • Industrial Welding Technology (WE2, AAS)
  • Welding Inspection Technology (WI1)
  • Welding Technology (WE1)
  • Industrial Systems Technician (IS2, AAS)
  • Industrial Systems – Machinist (MC1)
  • Industrial Systems – Millwright (MW1)
  • Pipefitting Technology (PF2, AAS)
  • Pipefitting Technology (PF1)
  • Pipefitter Helper (PH1)
  • Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration (HAC1, AAS)

Zane Moseley (, 832.556.4307)
Monica Bowie (, 281.425.6390) Financial Aid Specialist

  • Architectural Construction and Building Technology (CMT1)
  • Computer-Aided Drafting & Design (DT2, AAS)
  • Computer-Aided Drafting & Design Advanced Technology (DS1)
  • Computer-Aided Drafting & Design (TP1)
  • Mechanical Technology (MET1)
  • Process Piping Design (PPD2, AAS)
  • Process Instrumentation & Electrical Design (PIED1)
  • Process Piping Design (PPD1)