Logistics & Supply Chain Management

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The Logis­tics and Su­pply Chain Tech­nology Associ­ate of Applied Science degree at Lee College is designed to prepare stu­dents for entry-level to mid entry employ­ment in logistics and supply chain tech­nology career fields.

Logis­tics and Supply Chain Manage­ment relates to the move­ment of supplies, material, and people from one place to another to satisfy a consumer's essen­tial needs. All busi­nesses rely on logistics and or supply chain profes­sionals to preserve their inven­tory and keep it moving to the right destin­ation.

The Logistics Train­ing Center offers logistics classes along with hands-on training to gain experi­ence before, during or after you step into the Logistics Work­force. Our Logis­tics Training Center consists of a fully function­ing ware­house train­ing facility, research, and develop­ment labor­atory, two state-of-the-art class­rooms, a com­puter lab, and a Logis­tics History Museum.

Our program at Lee College is different from other pro­grams because we are much more than a class­room. We are hands-on and well equipped so that students receive first-hand experi­ence and mentor­ship from instruct­ors.

Program special­ties include war­ehouse, traffic and trans­portation managem­ent, storage and distri­bution, logistics manage­ment and inven­tory control manag­ement and software enter­prise resource plan­ning experi­ence.

What Will I Learn?

This program will provide graduates with the skills required of the industry, enable graduates to seek immediate employment in the workplace, meet labor market demands, and permit greater economic competitiveness. Program specialties include warehouse, traffic and transportation management, storage and distribution, and inventory control.

"What Can I Do With This Course of Study?"
LOG1: Certificate of Completion — Logistics & Supply Chain Management
LOGAT1: Certificate of Completion — Logistics Advanced Technology
LOM1: Certificate of Completion — Logistics & Operations Management
AAS: Logistics & Supply Chain Technology
Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management – GLOG1, Certificate of Completion