Instrumentation Technology

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An In­stru­menta­tion Tech­nology Associ­ate of Applied Sci­ence degree pro­gram pre­pares gradu­ates for entry-level car­eers as Instru­ment Tech­nicians in the chemi­cal proces­sing indus­try. Through the use of state of the art simu­lation equip­ment, as well as hands-on ap­plied tech­nology train­ing and gen­eral aca­demic course­work, the stud­ent will develop the skills re­quired to be a success­ful Instru­ment Techni­cian.

Instru­menta­tion tech­nicians install, test, calib­rate and per­form gen­eral main­tenance on some of the most sophis­tica­ted, extreme­ly pre­cise measur­ing and monitor­ing equip­ment in the world.

Most instru­ment techni­cians become certi­fied at a natio­nal stan­dard. Stu­dents learn to read, ana­lyze, and pro­duce elec­tronic draft­ing docu­ments.

What Will I Learn?

Lee College gives students state of the art hands-on training throughout the Instrumentation Technology program. Graduates will be proficient in calibration, troubleshooting, and maintenance of hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical, and electronic control devices. They will also be able to function in the electrical maintenance and electrical distribution-related occupations, as well as have introductory-level knowledge of automation systems and designing, programming, and troubleshooting programmable logic controllers.

View Program Learning Outcomes

"What Can I Do With This Course of Study?"
AAS: Instrumentation Technology IR2
IR1: Certificate of Completion — Instrumentation Technology