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Lee Col­lege has de­signed a com­prehen­sive Fork­lift Opera­tor train­ing pro­gram that com­plies with the Oc­cu­pa­tion­al Safe­ty and Health Admin­istra­tion (OSHA), to help you launch a ca­reer with un­limit­ed growth!

Forkl­ifts, also known as power indus­trial trucks, are vital tools used to lift and trans­port cargo in con­struc­tion and a varie­ty of other indus­tries. OSHA re­quires em­ploy­ers to en­sure that all oper­ators are fork­lift-certi­fied through for­mal ins­truc­tion, prac­tical train­ing, and a per­form­ance eval­ua­tion.

Fork­lift certi­fica­tion en­sures that you have the skills and knowl­edge re­quired to oper­ate a fork­lift in your work­place. The first step is the suc­cessful com­ple­tion of a fork­lift op­era­tion course. Of­fered on­line, in-per­son, and on-site, there is a for­klift course for ever­yone!

The course costs $495. Stu­dents should com­plete the Free Ap­plica­tion for Fed­eral Stu­dent Aid (FAFSA), which can cover 75% of the costs, if ap­proved.

The Gulf Coast region is a top distribution area for many industries with a strong demand for forklift operators. Take the first step to a successful career.

Potential Annual Salary: $30,000-$49,000

Who Needs OSHA Forklift Training?
Learning Objectives for OSHA Forklift Certification
What Will I Learn?
What Can I Do with This Course of Study
Program/Course Designation