Lee College Education Center - South Liberty County

Exterior of the Liberty Campus on a sunny day
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Educational Options

Students attentive during a class at the Liberty Center

Are you ex­plor­ing your col­lege opt­ions? Do you live in Lib­erty or Cham­bers Coun­ty? If so, Lee Col­lege can help you get start­ed in your own back yard at the Lee Col­lege Edu­ca­tion Cen­ter – South Liberty County (LCEC). LCEC is cen­tral­ly lo­cated on State High­way 146 By­pass in Lib­erty. The cen­ter re­flects the col­lege's com­mit­ment to sup­port­ing aca­demic resour­ces and work­force train­ing offered through­out the region. The LCEC offers a Dual Credit Insti­tute, post-secon­dary edu­ca­tional pro­grams, fast-track work­force train­ing, and com­muni­ty educa­tion to stu­dents in the South Lib­erty Coun­ty area.

The Dual Cred­it Insti­tute serves stu­dents of neigh­bor­ing school dis­tricts — Ana­huac, Day­ton, East Cham­bers, Lib­erty, Har­din and Hull-Dai­set­ta, and West Har­din — in of­fer­ing course­work in the high-dem­and tech­nical fields of cos­metol­ogy, cyber­secur­ity, elec­tri­cal tech­nolo­gy, logis­tics, and pro­cess tech­nolo­gy, along with aca­demic trans­fer cour­ses.

The post-secondary educational programs include day and evening classes selected from the core curriculum. Students can also take courses from the technical course offerings indicated above. The academic transfer course offerings align with the majority of degree concentrations and provide students with the opportunity to obtain their college core courses for transfer to a four-year university. Technical programs offer students coursework which prepare students for industry in the area of process technology, electrical technology, cybersecurity and logistics.

The expansion of the Grand Parkway has led to the growth of warehouses along the parkway. This growth provides employment opportunities in logistics. Lee College's logistics certificates/associate degree provides students with key functional knowledge in the field and includes business management supervision; managing activities associated with traffic, transportation, inventory management, warehousing, packaging, order processing, and materials handling; and physical distribution and supply chain management. Two industry certifications — Certified Logistics Associate and Certified Logistics Technician — can be completed in Lee College's logistics certificates/degree. 

If you have ever had your computer hacked or if you know someone who has been hacked, you understand the increased focus on cybersecurity. Jobs in the field of cybersecurity are growing, and students obtain the knowledge to complete industry certifications such as CompTia® A+, CompTia® Network+, and CompTIA® Security+. 

GED/ABE classes, fast-track industrial training, healthcare training, computer technology, online learning, community education, and other non-credit programs are offered throughout the year. 

Workshops such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Microsoft Excel are offered free to the community.
