Computer-Aided Drafting & Design

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If you can draw well, en­joy de­tailed work, and have a good vis­ual eye, then take a look at draft­ing. Draft­ers are a corner­stone of de­sign teams and work close­ly with en­gin­eers, design­ers, plan­ners, and archi­tects.

Draft­ers pre­pare tech­nical draw­ings and plans used by pro­duc­tion and con­struc­tion work­ers to build every­thing — from auto­mo­tive to aero­space, houses to high-rise build­ings, and oil/gas pip­ing to com­plex chemi­cal plants. They ty­pical­ly per­form their work in an of­fice environ­ment.

The Draft­ing Techn­ology Pro­gram pro­vides train­ing ex­peri­ence in com­puter-aid­ed draft­ing. The As­soci­ate of Ap­plied Sci­ence De­gree pre­pares stu­dents for en­trance into the draft­ing pro­fes­sion con­fi­dent of hav­ing re­ceived a strong founda­tion in draf­ting disci­plines and skills.

NOTE: Stu­dents plan­ning to trans­fer should see a coun­selor or a fac­ulty ad­visor for trans­ferable course sub­sti­tut­ions.

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What Will I Learn?

All manufacturing industries, research and development organizations, and design divisions of major corporations use drafters in the preparation of various stages of formal drawings. Typically, companies that hire engineers, architects or designers have a need for people skilled in drafting. The Computer-Aided Drafting Technology Program at Lee College prepares a person for an entry-level position as a junior drafter, drafter trainee, or drafter using computer aided drafting (CAD). The supportive technical course work in manufacturing, materials, science, mathematics and writing will aid students in continuing to advance their careers and assist in strengthening the background of those desiring to continue their education.

View Program Learning Outcomes

"What Can I Do With This Course of Study?"
AAS: Computer-Aided Drafting and Design Technology
CMT1: Certificate of Completion — Architectural Construction and Building Technology
DS1: Certificate of Completion — Computer-Aided Drafting and Design Advanced Technology
MET1: Certificate of Completion — Mechanical Technology
TP1: Certificate of Completion — Computer-Aided Drafting and Design
PIED1: Certificate of Completion — Process Instrumentation and Electrical Design