McNair Center

A collage of photos from the McNair Center. Welding, HVAC, students, instructors, and equipment
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The Lee College McNair Center (map) is located at 3411 I-10, Bay­town, TX, 77521. It boasts state-of-the-art instructional space where students receive hands-on technical training with the latest technology to prepare for high-paying careers in the growing petrochemical and construction industries.

Young Professionals Group donated a total of $9,000 for student supplies and Steel Boots for McNair students
Young Professionals Group donated a total of $9,000 for student supplies and Steel Boots for McNair students.

Weld­ers, HVAC tech­ni­cians, mill­wrights, and machin­ists can earn an aver­age of $18-40 per hour, and have the po­ten­tial to earn as much as $75,000 or more an­nual­ly with a two-year de­gree.

Indus­trial stu­dents at the center learn with­in a modern indus­trial environ­ment close­ly modeled after what they will find upon enter­ing the work­force. Course cur­ri­cula are built around stand­ards set by the Na­tional Cen­ter for Con­struc­tion Edu­ca­tion and Res­earch (NCCER), al­low­ing stu­dents to earn indus­try-recog­nized cre­den­tials that make them more com­peti­tive in the job mar­ket.

Degrees and Certifications at McNair Include:

For a list of classes offered at the Center, refer to the credit class schedule and Community Education class schedule.

For more information on registration, schedules, and programs available at the McNair Center, call 832.556.5108 or email
