Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration

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The Air Con­di­tion­ing, Heat­ing and Re­fri­gera­tion con­centra­tion, commonly referred to as HVAC, pre­pares gradu­ates (AAS deg­ree or cer­tifi­cate of com­ple­tion) to enter the work­force as an entry-level ser­vice tech­nician, in­stal­ler, or main­ten­ance tech­nician. 

This in­volves a per­sonal jour­ney into learn­ing and under­stand­ing how A/C, Heat­ing and Re­fri­gera­tion equip­ment is de­signed to oper­ate, how elec­trical motors operate using both elec­trici­ty and mag­net­ism, how con­trols are used to regu­late the temp­era­ture, hu­midi­ty, the intro­duction of fresh air, and the exhaust of stale air, how protec­tion devices are used to protect expen­sive and vul­ner­able com­pon­ents how to trouble­shoot prob­lems, fol­lowing a specific process, using a variety of meters and test instruments, how to design, install and commission a residential HVAC and duct system.

What Will I Learn?

The Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration program teaches students the theory of refrigeration, principles of electricity, various gas and electrical laws, and how to safely use common tools of the trade to evaluate, maintain, and repair HVAC equipment.

Students will learn how to:

  • Identify refrigeration components; explain operation of the basic refrigeration cycle and heat transfer; and demonstrate proper application and/or use of tools, test equipment, and safety procedures.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of basic principles of electricity, electrical current, circuitry, and air conditioning devices; apply Ohm’s law to electrical calculations; perform electrical continuity, voltage, and current tests with appropriate meters; and demonstrate electrical safety.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the basic principles of electricity, electrical current, circuitry, and air conditioning devices; apply Ohm’s law to electrical calculations; perform electrical continuity, voltage, and current tests with appropriate meters; and demonstrate electrical safety.
  • Identify attitudes and values that contribute to effective work habits; demonstrate how to work as part of a team; exhibit business etiquette, workplace civility, and ethics; and identify appropriate workplace attire.
  • Utilize knowledge and understanding to accurately diagnose problems with Air Conditioning, Heating, refrigeration, and indoor air quality equipment using gauges, digital multimeters, ammeters, monitors and other tools.
  • Effectively communicate an accurate diagnosis to clients without using technical jargon, demonstrate the ability to make recommendations for maintenance, repairs, accessories, and equipment replacement.

View Program Learning Outcomes

"What Can I Do With This Course of Study?"
Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration (AC2) AAS
Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration (AC1) Certificate of Completion